If you are wondering why, she said this, it’s part of a pattern of spreading misinformation about abortions that has been happening as long as people want to keep other people from having them.
The goal is to scare vulnerable women away from the resources that can help them and to make it easier to prosecute anyone who has been found to help them by conflating them with drug dealers.
It adds to the cloud of confusion that desperate women must cut through in order to gain access to the resources they need, and for some of those women, it will push the window out too far for them to have an abortion that they can afford, or cause them to give up, and just have the baby they don’t want, damn the costs.
Since they see this as saving a baby’s life, they don’t have any ethical issues whatsoever with lying like this.
Right so then she is just a dumb evil cunt that doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near public office. Got it.
All these glaringly obvious issues that will never be taken care of because we give people too much freedom. That statement alone should get her fired and not allow her to be in office anywhere ever again.
Oh oh oh I wanna play this game too.
I heard newborns coming out of the womb are laced with Fentanyl.
That’s why some weirdos consume the placenta afterward, they’re just trying to get that residual high. It all makes sense!
I heard newborns try to take advantage of our taxes and use socialism! They force people to take time off work and apply for various assistances! Then they grow up and try to take our jobs!!
We need to build a wall and make the uterus pay for it!
I heard steamed hams are laced with, you guessed it, fentanyl.
“Seymour the house is on fire!” “No mother that’s just fentanyl.”
Maybe they will be when people are forced to buy them illegally 🤦🏻♂️
“If you can’t find the problem, just make a new one!”
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How much of an asshole do you have to be to make me want to root for big pharma.
The irony of voting for her is that she will give tax breaks to and help big pharma. The idea that Trump supporters think she will “go against the man” is laughable.
Louisiana AG hopeful Liz Murrill may be laced with fentanyl.
She does prozac and percs like a good uoperclass middle aged white lady. Fent is for the urban people
Coat hangers used in home abortions may be an infection risk too. Know what reduces the rates of those?
Fentanyl dipped coat hangers found at Ross! Watch out poors, drug dealers are trying to get you unwanted babies hooked on meth
Joking aside, these religious fucks should have to leave that shit at the door. So tired of these people trying to run the country. It’s not a religious country, you just can practice here without persecution…
The trick is to redefine persecution as “not caving to the demands of what my preacher says this book says my god said” so you can call your crusade against the rights of others a campaign for religious freedom.
The legal representation of the voting machine companies are a box of pupies compared to the big pharma lawyers. IANAL, but this sounds like textbook defamation.
I don’t know why you are being downvoted like that but it’s true. She should get sued for defamation by the company’s making these drugs. And she should have to prove her stance too!
Came here to say this. Please let it happen.
“The legal representation of the voting machine companies is insignificant next to the power of Big Pharma.” - Darth Kreynen
Assuming that fentanyl was in the abortion pill… then it has become the safest way to ingest it.
Fentanyl deaths are in grey. As you can see 60,000 - 70,000 people in 2021. That number will spike in 2023.
However the abortion pill by those same statistics, they only managed to find 9 people who took the pill and died thereafter between the years 2000 and 2023.
Note, they did not die from the abortion pill, but because of what happened right after:
The deaths included: 9 (45.00%) sepsis, 4 (20.00%) drug toxicity/overdose, 1 (5.00%) ruptured ectopic pregnancy, 1 (5.00%) hemorrhage, 3 (15.00%) possible homicides, 1 (5.00%) suicide, 1 (5.00%) unknown. (Table 1).
Leaving us with a possible 4 people within 20 years that would have died to POSSIBLE Fentanyl overdoes as a causality in the past 20 years.
Making it the safest way you could take the drug.
Note: The following is sarcasm. Please do not take the abortion pill because you actually think it actually has fentanyl.
if they were, they’d be pretty effective.
Please define “hopeful” on a scale of “when you wish upon a star…” to this will likely be the broken-brained person in charge of all justice in the state of Louisiana.
She’s the current Solicitor General, and her boss, the current Attorney General is the frontrunner for the Governor’s role.
Louisiana is fucked.
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