I get the humor in the irony, and it’s a meme place, but never give an inch. A private school can do what they want, but public is owned by the people, and there cannot be discrimination with religious stances. So therefore, no side can be chosen, even in jest.
Not a fan of the theocracy that’s been allowed to seep in over many decades being wrapped in falsities.
Schools have to obey the law, but malicious compliance is a great way to protest.
Republican state Rep. Brandon Reed of Hodgenville filed the legislation that created the new law. He says he’s disappointed to see schools “spend time searching for silly loopholes,” noting the law passed with broad support.
I’m disappointed to see representatives spending time making bullshit laws instead of actually helping our children with things that matter, like food, education, housing, and not growing up to be Republican dipshits.
But these people can’t be good Christians if they don’t force their religion onto the impressionable kids! How else do they get new kids to help please the local church overlords with their sexual desires?
The point is not that the church is evil. The point is that it’s wrong and unAmerican even if the church is everything it claims to be.
Your church can be all about helping others, making a more equitable world, non-judgement, providing community services, teaching good ethics, etc. (what are you, pastafarian?), but it still does not belong in the public schools. Sorry not sorry to Christians and Pastafarians.
Who even made missionizing such a big looming part of it all anyways, that guy was a fuck!
It stems from a prophecy involving the return of Christ. He was supposed to return when there were Christians World Wide.
The prophecy got fulfilled in 1844.
Huh, must have died in the great famines.
honestly worshipping a dollar bill as the US religion seems somewhat more truthful than pretending this country worships Jesus.
As long as you can get away with it.
I feel so bad for the teachers. This is just yet another thing they have to comply with to keep their jobs.
If public schools are required to comply, couldn’t a teacher lose their job for not putting up the ten commandments in Louisiana?
Depends on the administration, so almost certainly yes.
Nah, private schools shouldn’t get to do this shit either except in a specifically dedicated theology course, and even then they shouldn’t be allowed to get all high control group propoganda missionary about it.
They shouldn’t in principle, but they don’t have a Constitutional reason they shouldn’t be doing it.
Responsibility of the state to ensure a secular education with exception only to non toxic cultural education
The point being that isn’t in the Constitution
Separation of church and state, letting any educational institution present religion as a truth that must be obeyed on pain of damnation is an abdication of preventing establishment.
Separation of church and state is not in the Constitution. The closest you will get is the first amendment, which prevents Congress from establishing a religion, or preventing the free practice of one.
I’m with you that religion should not be forced in schools, but you can’t use the Constitution to prevent this particular issue.
The first amendment was used to bar separate states from establishing religion as well.
Congress has the authority to hound out any religious activity grander than mere expression thereof from any institution which acts in its name or in localized substitution of it, that would include private schools.
It is entirely possible to read the text and case law of the establishment clause in a way that enables the US to stop just short of laïcite levels of choking religious activity in public.
Those ten commandment monuments could very well be made grounds to incarcerate the perpetrators the same as if they had tried to lead a crusader’s coup, because by publicly evangelizing they’re basically declaring that intention, that they refuse to accept a status quo in which people who do not share their beliefs are permitted to exist unaccosted and without declaration of judgement of their character for faith alone.
Plus really Christendom would thank the government for purging the public shouters. They’re literally called out in scripture as false believers who assemble loudly and publicly to make show of their displays of piety. So they can’t even argue sincere religious belief, because their own religion deems what they’re doing to be fake as all fuck and worth chasing out of society.
The funny thing is, that’s actually sort of what happens in the Bible. The laws people call the Ten Commandments were the first set of laws Moses brought down. Then the people smashed them, so he brought down a second set of laws that are the only laws in the Bible called the Ten Commandments. They include not boiling a baby goat in its mother’s milk and not making a blood sacrifice with yeast.
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus 34&version=NIV
Moses broke the first tablets, not the people, not that it actually happened or matters at all to anyone lol. Also, fun fact, the whole goat in its mother’s milk thing is why modern practicing Jews don’t eat cheeseburgers.
You’re right, it’s been ages since I read Exodus.
Lol wut?
Huh, news to me. But what am I to boil my baby goat in now?
food handling and prep, sanitation, and health and safety got moved into the Deuteronomy branch
god damn it, so where’s incest now? Exodus? Ugh, all the way in the back by the fire exit.
don’t worry, there’s also lots of incest in Genesis. “sprouted out of the ground from the man’s rib” and all that
Some other goat’s milk, I guess.
You boil it in yeast, duh! Just don’t sacrifice it afterwards
Male goat ‘milk’, duh.
Not quite so cut and dry, but yeah. This is a likely possibility for what is meant by “the 10 commandments.”
Time to put up the 7 Tenets of the Satanic Temple.
If those guys aren’t already printing posters to mail to every school in Louisiana, I’ll send them a check.
deleted by creator
I’m convinced TST is doing more for our rights than any other organization out there.
On a social-rights level, sure, they’re awesome. If you like TST, I bet you love activism for worker’s rights! Consider joining and participating in your workplace’s union, and a more widespread union movement that encompasses all workers, such as the Industrial Workers of the World union!
No part of the law prohibits having, say, a Pride-themed Ten Commandments printed on a leather daddy’s naked chest in glorious Comic Sans.
Gotta give them credit for decent artwork if nothing else