It seems like you only call out certain political soapboxing. I wonder why that might be?
Do you think the cops are going to care? They’ll just show up and shoot the wrong person and their dog, go home and abuse their spouse, and call it a day.
I’m an Xer and I didn’t like Seinfeld, but that’s mostly because I don’t like embarrassment comedy. It’s the same reason I don’t like Will Ferrel and Ben Stiller, but to each their own. I don’t begrudge anyone else finding it funny, it’s just not my vibe.
I still don’t know what “actual” events you are taking about. You’re (not your) the one ignoring what happened so you can sit at home edging yourself over a murderous little shit knowing you’ll never have the balls to do it yourself so you live vicariously through other racist fucks. I would feel sorry for hateful morons like yourself, but unfortunately you have chosen to fuck up the world for the rest of us.
Why are you so dependant on bootlicking and insisting a deranged little racist was justified in murdering people, and vilifying a person who the courts, you seem to rely on to tell you what to believe, hadn’t even tried yet. And you so haven’t answered my sock puppet question. Do you make new accounts when you’re idiocy and hate gets banned, or do you make them because you’re afraid people will check your history and realise your a sycophant for authoritarianism.
It was a feature, not a bug, for many of them.
That’ll happen. It’s definitely one of those words that you probably wouldn’t know how to spell of you never saw it written.
It’s not “my scenario”, it was what fucking happened. Also do you people ever get tired of making sock puppets when you’re stupidity gets banned?
I still have my SuSE 8.2 9.0 and 9.1 discs, and the official books I bought in a book store to get 9.1. I also have my Solaris discs. They are somehow part of the few things I haven’t lost in all of my moving.
Installing any OS is not for everyday users. Most people wouldn’t have any idea how to install windows either. Whoever is setting up the computer should take care of all of that to begin with. I’ve set up multiple computers for older family members with SUSE and they are all happy with them, and I get almost no tech support calls. The one exception is printing, but you get that with anything because printing sucks. It’s really to my advantage with my step father’s computer because he has negative computer knowledge. He was one of those people who had a million add on bars in IE because he’d click the accept button on every shady website he visited.
The recent update on my Motorola made sure to tell me how awesome it is that it has per app volume control. My Nokia N9 was made in 2011 and had individual application volume control out of the box.
You don’t straw buy an AR then pick it up and cross state lines with it going to a known chaotic protest without premeditated “self defence”.
Innocent and not guilty are not necessarily the same thing, but you didn’t hear that from me.
See there’s the problem right there. They shouldn’t have sold the robot. It should have been a subscription model, with micro transactions. That would have kept the investors flocking in.
I’d like to say this is sarcasm, but unfortunately it’s the most likely lesson these ghouls will learn from this.
Kind of like the States founding father’s?