In what way is this money laundering? Isn’t it normal for the government to liquidate seized assets?
In what way is this money laundering? Isn’t it normal for the government to liquidate seized assets?
From what I’ve seen, middle of the road 300 mm Voron V2.4 kits are around $1300. I believe the lowest I’ve seen was around $950, excluding printed parts (which the same company was selling separately for over $200). When I tried compiling a BOM with self-sourced high quality parts, the total reached over $1700 before I gave up on that idea. Where have you seen $600 kits? If these are still available, I may consider one. However, I’m hesitant to go with a kit that may have lower quality components. Personally, I’m really excited for this new Prusa and will probably pick up a kit once they are available. Unless, of course, Vorons are really that affordable.
A Voron V2.4 for cost of this kit ($950 / 1050 EUR)? Sure buddy.
This is not their first core XY and they redesigned the hotend with the PrusaXL and MK4. As far as I’ve seen, they are the only printer company using a strain gauge in the hotend for bed leveling, that they also use for detecting clogs while printing. Also, the new printer’s price is comparible to the similar model from Bambu with a metal frame and enclosed print bed (X1C). And, as you pointed out, they always maintained the same serviceability (I’ll add upgradability). Therefore, I definitely don’t agree that they are playing catch up.
To make people happy, I think it would take a return to a running average of 2%. This requires a temporary drop below 2%, perhaps even to 0 or negative. Otherwise, you’re just telling them to suck it up and embrace the new normal.
No. If you would look at the graph in the link you posted, you would see that 2020 is right before the huge spike in inflation. This sustained spike explains the current outrage over increased prices.
People are not goldfish with minds that reset every year. Per your own link, accumulative inflation is up 21.8% since 2020.
I also have the TimeStack and it’s great. However, my one complaint is that there’s no external power switch, and therefore, seems to use up batteries quicker than it should.
Sure, if hubcaps were something to get enraged about. I don’t think that’s remotely comparable, but you do you.
Por que no los dos? I’m free to be disgusted with funeral costs and you’re free to make your point.
It shouldn’t cost $60,000 to bury anyone.
To listen to…
I must say I don’t like the idea of a social-credit-score bot.
Regarding your implementation, I saw the summary of your own comments elsewhere in this post and I noticed all the annotations were on upvoted/blue segments. Other summaries you posted focused more on negative/red segments. Would it be possible to enforce a minimum of 1 or 2 from both categories?
Also, would you be kind enough to read my tea leaves? Am I an acceptable citizen of the Lemmy community?
It’s bold of you to assume everyone who would vote 3rd party would otherwise “vote blue no matter who”. Also, not everyone lives in a swing state.
Sorry, I’m a bit confused by the “fundraising” terminology. Is this in regards to investments in the cryptocurrency industry, such as exchanges and other corporations, or individual purchases of the raw assets?
Looking at market cap, Bitcoin peaked earlier this year at $1.43 trillion and is currently at $1.23 trillion. That’s only a 14% drop. If you look at the global cryptocurrency market cap, it peaked in 2021 at $3.07 trillion and is currently at $2.26 trillion. That’s a 26% drop. I understand that you don’t think crypto is dead, but there’s a lot of delusion in this thread. Surely, if cryptocurrencies are dead, Disney (down 53% from peak) and Intel (down 67% from peak) are on life support.
I agree with everything you’re saying except crypto is not down by more than half since it’s peak.
Lol, it’s a clip from Caddy Shack and clearly a joke pal.
Hell yeah! I do this everyday when I’m away from my bidet at home.
No single wallet has even close to 1 million Bitcoins. It’s a public block chain and you can find a list of the largest wallets in a website like this:
Also, regarding the unfair advantage of the genesis block, Bitcoin’s code was actually written in a way that prevents this balance from being transfered. It’s forever locked in the wallet at this address: 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa.
Will you buy the dip? It’ll be a nice opportunity.