But this was one of the original shit replies that demonstrates the energy the person expends replying is greater than that of not replying at all. What will they do with all that self righteous energy now?
But this was one of the original shit replies that demonstrates the energy the person expends replying is greater than that of not replying at all. What will they do with all that self righteous energy now?
People in the US have justifiable revulsion to its rapacious healthcare system leading to outright un-aliving of a large segment of the population. One might argue that it’s a silent genocide of the underprivileged. This incident has highlighted that sentiment in a way that may effect real change and in a way his untimely demise may lead to positive health outcomes. Suppressing the expression of that anger could have the opposite outcome.
That revelations thing sure is fucked up. But then again if you’re still suspending your disbelief after the talking snake in Genesis, any of the locusts with human faces shit in rev is on the table I suppose.
Elections are theater as long as corporate campaign funding exists.
Yeah I’m going to go ahead and record this meeting. Please speak up if you object. Because we’ve provided so much psychological safety that there will surely be no judgement or fear of reprisal for those with any hesitation to swim in line with the corporate current. We’re also going to share files in this chat that you’ll have to catalogue and remember - so when someone refers to a nondescript file shared 3 weeks ago you’ll be forced to know exactly which chat and file you’re referring to. Also, put yourself on video. We appreciate face to face communication.
Jewel beetles have beer goggles?
Is there some underlying assertion here that woman enjoy sex less than dudes? Or that sex is some kind of favor to men on the part of women without mutual enjoyment? Not having sex with someone is pretty easy if that other person is a shitty person. Otherwise I think both genders enjoy genuine intimacy and physical contact by someone they enjoy being around.
The switching cost point is profound and real. You might just see that same dynamic at your place of employment.
I’ve taken a good portion of that route and there are a few more places deserving of the poo poo label.
Or a variation of this is TailScale configured to use NextDNS and a TS exit node. That’s for anyone who doesn’t want to maintain a PiHole. I’ve done both. Personal choice.
I wonder how that works logistically. Does he just take his dirty diaper off and then proceed to the e-coli fueled UTI party with his shit covered junk?
They have a predatory business model. “Hey we’re cheaper than the competition”. Once you’re soaking in it and need features, they have options but it’ll cost you. I reckon they have slick sales people who know how to pander to the egos of middle management as well. You know … The people who don’t actually have to use the tool but sure like to feel like they somehow matter.
New photo challenge. If you were born after 1990 but are older than 18 {legal rider} and have two x chromosomes, you likely have two large features on your chest.
Dewine says he can’t remove the dude here: https://www.wkyc.com/video/news/local/3news-at-6/gov-mike-dewine-calls-portage-county-sheriffs-comments-about-harris-supporters-very-unfortunate/95-4f3b90dd-1cf8-4243-a148-c90ed821c38a
but the Ohio revised code seems to suggest he can? https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-3.08
Is his name Cletus by any chance?
All true. Most of the argument about free travel isn’t about taxes per se. It’s about being able to travel on those for which you paid taxes without further restrictive encumbrance. I’m sorry arguing for that but at the same time I understand the constitutional case for it.
I’m not sure the book has been closed on this one. You don’t have to be a sov citizen to read the constitution and know that laws get passed all the time that violate civil rights for instance. Laws get overturned when they are challenged and someone has standing. Appeals courts are issuing rulings all the time that reverse what many assume was iron clad and untouchable. Jimmy YouTuber could be wrong but if he tests it and appeals with standing, we might just be surprised by the outcome.
I’m kind of a big deal
I’m sure he had to dig deep to endure the smell of urine and feces as is popularly described.