He is smart in that sense. He will be dead and gone. If he ever did love anyone he’ll be sure to tell them fuck you, too, because the man hasn’t felt joy since maybe being a small child.
He is smart in that sense. He will be dead and gone. If he ever did love anyone he’ll be sure to tell them fuck you, too, because the man hasn’t felt joy since maybe being a small child.
Would you people be done with this group of inept septuagenarians called the DNC. Pluck out a liberal from 30-40 years ago and show them everything their going to lose and they would puke in their mouth. It’s the same people that have virtually given our government away since Reagan. They fucking suck at this, be done with the DNC and don’t give me any two party bullshit. What you have is one party where they both desperately drive you into the others arms. There won’t be a two party system moving forward. Mark my words, we are done with free and fair elections.
Crowd sourcing heathcare funds and taking bets on who gets sick sounds great but only if it’s some capitalist Rube Goldberg Machine. Otherwise that’s communism.
Society can be so backwards.
Neoliberals already denounced him. In fact they were the first to. Gotta cling to the status quo no matter which way the winds are blowing.
Trump voters never actually cared. If you were fooled it was willingly.
All this is moot. There is no party that will be able to wrest power away from the GOP come January. Yet still there will be fools putting all their hopes in the effectively powerless DNC.
The election was an opportunity to keep the GOP out of power and enacting fascist rule. Doesn’t matter how awful the dems were they would never reach that level depravity. It was a total lost opportunity for anyone who did not support the Democrat candidate.
That said there is no cause that the DNC can have significant impact on moving forward. They failed at the one thing they were suppose to do. It’s a sunk cost, because we know they can’t consistently win or even win decisively. It’s so sick that every election for the last 10 years has been GOP favored. It doesn’t make any sense but here we are.
It’s a sunk cost. All the time and effort we spent propping them up could be use to build a new but people won’t face the fact. They think they can slowly steer it in the right direction but all the effort that has to go in is easily reversed by some insignificant amount of money from the doner class.
Look, I found the problem with the DNC. Yes, it’s rotten to the core and you will never change it.
Listen I get it but please point me to the last orange painted person to be put in the highest position of power ruling over the worlds largest and most technically advanced military.
We can’t deny systematic racism. It’s totally baked in.
Hope they made him suburban rich too
Ignoring how America leads the way when it comes to post covid recovery.
I will never for life of me understand why Trump doesn’t take responsibility for steering us straight into the pandemic. Sure it was a global event but we watched as he ignored the issue and down played everything the entire time. Maybe I’m destined to be just as mind fucked as trump voters because watching trump voters is seriously cooking my noodle.
It truly is a Homer Simpson v Frank Grimes situation. With the DNC being Frank Grimes Im praying for the day they actually lose it.
Womp womp. I’m convinced these idiots think maniacs like trump coming in to raid government coffers is advantageous to themselves some how. I know there might be a criminal network where this is true but not the entire fucking GOP.
It’s insane how the right controls the narrative so hard that some people believe in earnest that they have good economic policy when it really just is, “gubberment don’t work, now gibbme all that money, nom nom nom.”
Extra gross. That shit looks toxic.
I don’t give them that much fucking credit. I do believe they are cretins but I also believe they are really bad at what they do.