Not the brightest knife in the tool room.
Not the brightest knife in the tool room.
Wash your taint FFS!
It sounds like a coca plant that can grow in more than one region.
There will be lots of places to put the new Trump “I did that” stickers.
I worked in a call center for an internal support team. We had a group that started early in the morning since our headquarters was on the West Coast and calls would come in really early from the East Coast offices. Every Friday we would organize a group order for breakfast from a local diner and I usually was the one who would go and pick it up (long before DoorDash). One particular morning the order was missing a side of bacon for one of the team members. This person got so angry that they didn’t have their bacon, they decided it would be a good idea to call the diner from the middle of our office while most agents were on the phone with end uses. They proceeded to yell at and lecture the poor diner worker who answered the phone saying things like “You forgot my damn bacon, I think you did it on purpose” and “What are you gonna do to fix this?” The call lasted a couple minutes as most of us were looking at one another in shock. Unsurprisingly, they did not return on Monday and we all couldn’t believe someone was fired for missing bacon.
The Rings Of Saturn
Was chosen by my Community College English professor and it was the most mind numbing thing I’ve ever had to read. It was translated from German, so there are multi-page, run-on sentences that haunt me till this day.
My oldest Reddit account was close to 15 years old and I haven’t logged into any of them for almost 2 years. All the same content and none of the Reddit BS.
When you realize it was a Take ‘N’ Bake.
I just put it on an SD card and pop it in my phone.
It’s a sport now, so watching to learn how to improve your skills makes sense. I must admit, I have recently begun to enjoy watching videos of people playing Rust, but I have only played it a couple times and did horribly. Until I get the time to commit to playing for hours on end to sharpen my skills to achieve the results they do, I am just enjoying watching the journeys. I must note, growing up when my brother and I would rent video games from BlockBuster, he would always choose 1 player games like Metal Gear Solid, so I became accustomed to spectating.
At least you know your Ketamine dealer is legit.
Like the time people were freezing to death during a power outage while the governor took a vacation to Cancún?
No Christian person has ever been a racist, but all of them are part of a cult though.
It’s great how all the executives recorded their videos not in the actual office.
PORNTIPSGUZZARDO All acievements and $500,000 in Sim City 2000. You could do it over and over for unlimited money.