Graveyard shift let’s go woohoo!
Graveyard shift let’s go woohoo!
I wonder if this is going to cause a surge in immersive sims/a focus on emergent gameplay. If you just set up the tools and framework you don’t have to specify the paths for the story, just the guidelines.
E-corp anyone?
My current issue is that I can’t remote into the machine at all beyond ssh. Any attempt at a session just refuses to work no matter what guide, fix, video, forum post, etc I follow.
Tapes are a great archival medium, they have a very low cost per gb, and are able to be stored for decades. The only comparable medium is CD and other optical media like Blu-ray.
Hard drives have an expected life span of only around 5 years due to the moving parts, and while flash storage lasts about 10 years.
I haven’t kept up much with fucker “punchable face” Carlson but from what I’ve heard, after being fired from Fox, he has started to backpedal on a lot of things he said and is actively trying to salvage his “journalist” career
Where would one look to find a high cash back card? I’ve been wanting to improve my score by switching to using a credit card for primary shopping that I pay off, but I can’t seem to find any good offers/deals/contracts/whatever term you’d use for a credit card. Probably my score though.
If I’m reading this right, it isn’t even the real numbers they’re working with. It’s their “proprietary data model.”
One parent was disabled the other made the amount listed above, I was pretty damn poor, try again
That is poor lmao, and that’s not a good thing
Info dump no one asked for:
These are actually Alderaanian consular security, as they are the security force assigned to and responsible for escorting senators and other dignitaries. Many rebel troopers, primarily on Yavin 4, utilized the same uniform or variants thereof due to the the relaxed nature of the rebel uniform standard.
My best guess for why this helmet is seen a lot with the rebels is due to the (surviving) Alderaanian security force joining the rebels and bringing their equipment, however it’s not really explained.
Regarding the actual functionality of the helmet, I have no clue and I’m sure it was just because it looked cool a futuristic, thanks George Lucas.
But why is the furry browser so hot if I wasn’t meant to have sex with it? Checkmate atheists.
Corporate bootlickers gtfo
Transphobes gtfo
I still can’t believe the major informant that they relied on, that turned out to be a Russian agent, was literally named “Alexander Smirnov”