A general strike is your only hand. So start prepping for that.
A general strike is your only hand. So start prepping for that.
My partner would have been haggling that vendor down to a £1.
Maybe so. I don’t remember the packaging half as clearly as I do the crappy chocolate.
I think I remember these. They were a low quality chocolate stick wrapped in paper. I didn’t like them. I think I got that they were preying on kid’s desire to ape adult behaviours but I may be conflating a decade of memories.
They’d just ‘devide’ up their businesses into a chain of symbiotic entities defined by paygrade. Then the executive level can enrich itself insulated from us front line grunts.
Obsolete form of divide.
deleted by creator
Oh look, here comes FlyingSquid.
I could swear I heard that whole ACER laptop angle a couple of months ago on someone else’s podcast. I don’t want to say verbatim but I was having severe dejayvu. It wasn’t a Doctorow podcast that much I’m sure.
Got that Lord Percy from Blackadder II energy.
Sometimes there is poetry in our lives
Imagine, years from now, his technology eventually overtaking the rest of the world’s. Powering his city state with cold fusion. Inventing the first warp drive. Etc
All while the rest of us keep on falling back into anti-science fascism because we can’t figure out how to take the mega-rich’s thumb off the scales of democracy/justice.
Tired and hungry reply.
I let them get under my skin and pulled you into the firing range too. I think I was hoping for some recognition of how they were off the mark with their intolerant twist on the nazi bar parable. They weren’t asking for obvious nazi to be censored but .ml and anyone who spoke up for them.
My sincerest apologies.
Are you trolling? You’ve consistantly avoided making any qualative evaluation of either of our posts. Every response you have made is losely supportive of their demands for toxic authoritarian censorship.
Their logic is the same as the racist complaining that all african americans are criminals and rapists and you’re wringing your hands while presenting tabloid clippings of crimes african americans have been found guilty, without comment.
It’s highly ironic that either of you think that this is how you fight facism.
They should be banned. No one was arguing otherwise.
Their offensive McCarthyite screed wasn’t based on protecting victimised minorities from facists it was trying to protect the orthodoxy of establishment inculcation.
The nazi bar parable doesn’t have a horseshoe theory (Which is a sectarian cant that misrepresents socialism as the clothes it wears and not the body inside) component because it’s specifically focused on the tolerance paradox. If someone comes into your bar that while otherwise comporting themselves in a civil manner yet it is crystal clear they hold aggressively contemptful and intolerent views you should kick them out regardless. Everyone else deserves at least a base level of respect.
What it doesn’t say is people advocating for tolerance of normal people are secret nazis. It doesn’t say that because one biker gang from Berlin came in with nazi tattoos you should ban everyone from Berlin because that is text book closed minded intolerance.
This is all patent nonsense.
Not everyone’s cup of tea. Actually becoming aware of the amount of corruption and injustice in the UK can be accutely depressing.
Their online offering is a tiny fraction of what is covered in the hardcopy.
It makes sense.
Not everyone on .ml wants to eat your dog. Just as not everyone on .world is Trolleyman.
I’d say that the majority of people on the fediverse are capable of having a civil conversation on most topics. Some might have a handful issues that they dig their heels in over but can be civil if you comport yourself respectfully. And then there are a tiny minority of narcissistic zealot idiologues that try to maintain a narrow normative pressure on permissable opinions.
Well put.