I really do feel like Loki at the end of the series when I’m managing inventory sometimes
I really do feel like Loki at the end of the series when I’m managing inventory sometimes
This isn’t Reddit. We need receipts
Really curious if it’s good. Nice option while waiting on S2 dlc.
Sweet! Thanks. Miss larger discussion threads from Reddit. Love talking about this stuff
Yup. First boss fight had me drooling
Just finished that! Big fan of the comics (maybe too much) so I thought the twist was predictable - but the characterization was perfect. Reminded me of Alan Tudyk. Even the character model. I have high hopes.
Story wise - MJ just… Screamed. So I feel pretty close to the end. Thinking I’ll wrap up the sandman and last faction stuff. Then swing into the sunset/last missions
Plus the mods add a whole new “dlc” of fun
The first time I loop de looped, I fucking squealed. A game hasn’t provoked that reaction in a long time
Honestly the swing assistance is a personal preference but wow. I can’t go back to the previous games.
0 swing assistance (feels amazing to master)
Fall damage
Very crowded streets (if you hit the ground, it’s harder to find space to run and charge jump without stopping) (yes I like the challenge)
Omg and the weblines You can put anywhere!!! Absolutely makes the game stealth so much fun. You’re invincible if you sneak right.
Another feature I couldn’t leave is the option to map slow mode to the thumb pad. I’m an old fart and damn the wing tunnel drones are fast. It’s crazy that they give you an option to still play those without rage quitting. Yeah. I did them at 70% speed. And I’m thankful because I would have spent hours trying to beat the side missions. Like the timed drones in the first game
I think that’s the best part of the game. The options that go way beyond the character choice. Want to spend more time mastering web slinging and less time with web wings? You can. Want to swing around with no effort and dodge every attack on 50% speed? Done.
8/10 lol
Man I love this game but I can feel the story wrapping up and I’m already dreading ending it. Gina probably put it down at the end and wait for a Ng+ update. This game has been bananas fun
Take my money
Me to religion: this could be us. But you playing
I’m so excited for this game
Good times.
Yeah. Wouldn’t mind seeing this trend
I didn’t even realize her feet were in the image
Time to replay the first one
What the duck