If I am looking it up correctly, judge Amit Mehta was appointed by Obama (who had ties with Google), and still ruled google a Monopoly.
I just like stuff like this as it shows a judge can put bias aside in a ruling at least once, supposedly.
I use Microsoft Edge (parental controls and uBlock). That that made me whatever is beyond naked? Like one of those clear dummies in a health class that shows organs?
I recall in a decades old Texas Univ interview, Gabe said you had to be aggressive in your firing processes.
Is the same video I recall they made him put on a horse head and try to hold up three fingers.
I went with a Nissan Leaf. But only because it was the only EV I could have gotten on 2022, as it felt so hard to get them and dealers didn’t seem to keep me updated on availability.
All what I was thinking 😊
Flashback to stories of Rus conquests written by the Rus that said the people asked to be conquered
I felt a better question is why so many people with transportation don’t get their own food.
I am fine with driving anywhere so I think in the past 7 years we only had delivery once. But we try to cook mostly at home nowadays
Pretty clever too, Religion, firearms, and masks. They taped together three internet flame wars all in one, I love it.
I was going to say it wasn’t that people hated them, I was thinking it was BMW users either didn’t want to pay or found a buddy to do it for free.
I have a dumb conspiracy that Elon wants to be US president like any Lex Luthor like person, but since he can’t he is ruining things extreme republicans hate. Then he can gain favor and make his way up as high as he can to reach religious cult status Like some megalomaniac. 😆
What’s weird is if you look at users on places like Newsmax and Oann or other extremist forums they seem to happy seeing Tesla and Twitter going down but don’t mock Elon for it
The world needs more Boondocks memes.
It amazing to see Gary Anthony Williams go from cool chill uncle to saying how scary a job application is 😄
That fine, but I just want to see how a politician turns a history of suffering into jokes at a rally. Oddly enough I think Trump could do it and his congregation would eat it up.
On a side note politicians love these comments as they joke about it too at rallies and increases support.
Makes me wonder what politicians can into jokes of culture popularized the people who died as a result of their actions.
Now that I think about it too they are probably so big to have ways around taxes anyway so they can do all the right offs they want and pay nothing for any profit
When I worked at Best Buy I attended two full paid meetings about the horrors of unions when the Obama administration made it easier to create a union.
They even cancelled all our in home jobs one day for an anti union meeting
Holy crap I don’t know who at Best Buy wrote all those presentations but the language they used was a master class in brainwashing. I probably would be a flat earther of they spent enough time crafting their wording 😄
That was my thought, but I imagine throughout history there are more people willing to sign up to defend than there are people willing to sign up to attack.
And assuming a typical Russian soldier might be hesitant to give 200% unless they are really brainwashed.
My other thought is there is probably some convoluted US tax law that can turn it into profit.
I say down one day and designed my ideal no frills car, and even thought of going to see how much components would be for everything 😄
We need a Kirkland brand Costco car or something.
I prefer if USB-C to whatever cables become a standard. That way I can get a cheap cable and plug it into whatever.