I take issue with your statement. Water is not weak. Water shapes the mountains, can cut steel, and gave rise to life as we know it. Dem leadership has none of those qualities. They are more like old warm pudding on a sidewalk.
I take issue with your statement. Water is not weak. Water shapes the mountains, can cut steel, and gave rise to life as we know it. Dem leadership has none of those qualities. They are more like old warm pudding on a sidewalk.
Licking elemental Lithium would be enlightening.
I named my old white bitfenix prodigy m “Baymax” because it was white and had rounded edges.
I have faith in congress to have no spine and do exactly what they are told by der-kommisar.
I think it is likely less that they can’t do math and more that they are knowingly sharing wrong numbers because they know no one supporting this will check to see if the numbers are right and even fewer will care if they are wrong.
If you want to be more grounded, try the black one next time.
Positive or negative?
Sorry, I only grabbed the one.
I can not. I snapped the picture a month or so ago in passing.
No clue. I found it at EPO in Houston. That place is an electronics goldmine if you go in only hoping to find old and obscure. Its amazing.
The Emby mobile music player is awful. For whatever reason it will play and show your history on the desktop/server side but it doesn’t keep track on the mobile app.
The exception to that is one I read about a few years back about a carrier based pilot. Callsign was S T A B which stood for shit twice and bailed
Yeah I keep trying to move to the woods but my wife wants to be around people for some reason lol
My tolerance of noise and light pollution has gone way the hell down as I have gotten older. I want to live in the woods at this point.
Fedora Silverblue was VERY easy to install. I opted to go the GNOME route but its been great so far as a former windows user. I rebased from Fedora to Bazzite and it was dead simple. Been on Bazzite for a couple months now and have had no major issues. Figuring out my printer drivers was a bit tedious but it worked the first time once I got the process figured out.
I always liked this scene from the movie Shooter in a similar vein. still got the shovel
Well, there’s your problem is another one.
Adb.tv and projectivy launcher will make a sizeable difference as will rooting and disabling the telemetry/tracking/ other bullshit. I went that route on my current hisense tv and its been great so far. Not as good as a true dumb tv but its pretty close and it is easier for my family to use without babysitting them.