He’s a petty little orange bitch.
He’s a petty little orange bitch.
You should put maga stickers next to the price tag, just to remind the folks :)
Thank you, exactly that.
Yeah but that was something that happened and it wasnt a big deal, that’s the whole point. It wasnt the centerpoint of the whole episode, it wasnt the main act and talked about throughout the episode non stop. It’s just something that was normal and happened in normal day to day life. In future these things are considered normal and not worth talking about, because racism is something that did not exist in like 300 years.
And failed.
Exactly. Orville is more “woke” and i absolutely love it. It’s supposed to be just a sort of comedy parody of star trek, yet it has more depth than the Discovery has.
True in a way, but it was more philosophical and not “in your face”. It made you think about it, and the story was way waay better and deeper than today’s pew-pew starwars approach to star trek. Every episode had a meaning and a lession.
Trk r hrtz
Are you saying next are going to be Facebook, Twitter and maybe Fox? Dont give me hope…
Because I have no choice. There are couple groups I’m part of, and they exist solely on fb. Even tried moving some of them to reddit like 5-6yrs ago, but it didnt stick. Reddit back then would’ve been better than fb… ultimately the decision was out of my hands.
Simple, he wants the wikipedia and since he cant have it he decided to trash it publicly.
It saddens me to see musk propaganda at work :(
Brasil, please ban facebook. First twitter then facebook. Fuck the gready corporate assholes. Someone needs to make a first step and create a precedent, we need this. Social media will be (already is) the downfall of our civilization.
If you go only by the metadata, they know all your friends, their phone numbers, your location history, when do you chat, with whom, how often and how long. And I’m fairly sure they index conversation in some form.
Just location history can paint a decent picture of what you do, where do you go, what do you like, which friends are nearby, etc… and all of that was implemented like 15+ years ago, imagine what they can do today with AI. It’s fair to say FB knows more about you then you do (FB, IG, Wapp…). And to be blunt, it could probably determine what ppls shit smells like, judging by all the pictures of a meal they post on IG.
For some reason I’ve read that with an indian accent
On the other news, water is still wet.
Being tollerant of an extremist (nazi or fascist) is just plain stupid.
Nah, somehow it’ll be Biden’s fault… google backfire effect, the more you challenge their beliefs the more they fight for them, even when proven wrong. They do not learn. They will not ever learn. They do not want to learn.
What about “read-only friday”? :)