My friend likes ads in the cinema. It doesn’t compute.
My friend likes ads in the cinema. It doesn’t compute.
Use the I don’t care about cookies extension its wonderful. Using it on my desktop and android Firefox.
Whenever I play minecraft now. Either it’s fully modded Minecraft with automation and stuff.
Or it’s vanilla with a ton of client side mods and automating stuff through vanilla farms.
I can’t help being a factorio dude.
Autistic people… Silence during small talk.
We need this, that and that from there, over there and there… starts info dumping
The programmers have invaded the memes… Before long there’ll things bugging them in the memes.
Well op… Delete this post, such that well, the data is lost.
Press f to pay respects…wait what’s that…
I thought there was a hole in your hand I didn’t see the metal. I just saw straight through them. Wtf
I literally just prioritise f droid, and a Google App search tool I found a bit ago that let’s you sort such to show no Inapp etc
Where it came from:
Well once you get passkeys implemented in every website. Now they’ll need to steal your phone. Haha.
I can’t wait till passkeys are predominant
I literally press the full screen button and somehow it’s fine.
Just lossy compress it slightly. Completely gone.
Ctrl+win+arrows Just go to an alternate desktop with “productive stuff”, that has a word doc from a long time ago open
With a machine gun
The evil companies. Ah yes a recycle icon with numbers but you presume it’s fine. Nope. It’s literally just the type of plastic.
:/. Corporates are evil.
Heard of it’s on steam, factory game