Even table games before that served much the same purpose, similar with sports and some hobbies. It’s much easier to talk about something or over something while engaging in an activity. They provide a default topic, a medium, a space and a diversion from unwelcome topics when needed; an agreed upon means of social interaction.
Autistic people… Silence during small talk.
We need this, that and that from there, over there and there… starts info dumping
Plus, for people that maybe are a bit awkward in social situations, tabletop games provide an easily digestible set of rules for interacting with other people. You say and do certain things at certain times, you take turns, it follows a predictable scenario, an understandable framework for interacting with other people.
Compare that with being at a party or something where you’ve got however many variables to account for: Socio-economic backgrounds, religion, politics, sexual preferences, relationship status, jobs/careers, topical news, music, movies, personal quirks and shared history, (to name a few). You can talk about anything and everything, but you have to keep people’s interest and not be too weird and/or offensive. You’ve got to be able to read emotions and pickup on social cues, multiplied out by however many people are there. There’s no written rules, but somehow we’re just supposed to know how to navigate.
Playing games with other people simplifies the experience down and makes the experience easy to handle.
ironically the game i’ve enjoyed most is deep rock galactic, where the whole schtick is that you just pop into missions with random people and communicate almost solely via pointing at things and shouting about minerals.
every single time i’ve been in a voice call with someone online it has been absurdly uncomfortable and i’ve just wanted to jump out of my skin and run away, i cannot fathom how people even tolerate it.
Rock and roll and stone, brother.
Pffft I’m a dude and I talk to my bestmate on the phone for hours every day, his wife calls me his mistresses.
Not sure about whether anyone needed an excuse, but yeah. Gaming is social. It’s funny how some people don’t really know, and think about gamers “isolated in their rooms playing video games!” when it is often a very social activity.
I have three close friends who are abroad and we game once every weekend but we never really talk about what’s going on in the game. We just chat
NGL I always hoped Discord would be more… Diverse in its topics? Most discords have like all these gaming channels and one or two lonely hobby or selfies channels. Our social media is so bad at helping us.
Discord’s main purpose is to be a gamer focused chat program. Isn’t Instagram a selfie chat app?
I guess but Instagram is designed to feast on our insecurities. Like I open it and its just so many edited perfect photos etc. Discord, for me, fills… Too many social media roles! It is a gaming chat app, but I need more than that.
Selfies channels?! It’s that a thing?
Hmmm, interesting theory. I think that is a big reason I don’t do the headphones/multiplayer games - the idea of having to argue with other guys all night long. Life is aggravating enough. But then again I don’t even really use my cellphone because I hate the idea of checking it or having to call people. I guess I’m a hermit. But I still love video games, I just do them solo so I can do my own thing.