🥒 🚗 definitely the pickle car 😅
🥒 🚗 definitely the pickle car 😅
Bloody hell you squishy little bastard always here for me, kills me to know you’re always here…
Didn’t she claim all the bullshit already?!
and a brain 🧠
bloody annoying and ugly
Default AI SETTINGS 90% good must be produced for anything over 10% evil Pause evil until balance is resumed to those settings for the better of humanity… 🤗
(Don’t lose your 💩, had a few beers)
He nailed that character for sure
I just finished Fargo S4, this is refreshing to see Jon Hamm not being a mean SOB 😊👍
yaahh 😉☠️
thanks Hippie, anything that’s not on Reddit is worth a look 😂
But seriously, appreciate the link 👍
I was thinking I’ll probably have to keep Kodi for sports, thanks for that
where can you buy these? 😅
I upvoted because I could actually hear the words being said as I read that 😂
least it’s not Dick Dunkin’
Mad Titan Sports add-on