It looks like the Sync app, which is what I use. It does have ads but my VPN blocks them so I never see them unless I turn it off.
Just a weird girl looking at art stuff and trying to have a wholesome time on the Fediverse. PM me your cat tax ~
It looks like the Sync app, which is what I use. It does have ads but my VPN blocks them so I never see them unless I turn it off.
Reading mode in Firefox works for me.
I’m not saying cats never do weird things, and the cat in this picture may be perfectly fine. But if my cat were doing this, I would take them to the vet to make sure because it could be a symptom of something serious. That’s all I’m saying.
I think some people just want to look at cute photos of cats without thinking about negative things. I can understand that. But if I posted a photo of my cat exhibiting what could be a symptom of a serious problem that I wasn’t aware of, I would want someone to tell me. I know OP said this is a repost, but I still think it’s important for anyone who loves their cats to be able to tell if something is wrong. This doesn’t look like normal cat behavior to me.
Not sure if this is your photo, but what this cat is doing could be a sign of a serious medical problem. If this is your cat, I would get this floofer to the vet ASAP.
Either the melted cat in the donut car, or the puddle of sloths in the red one.
And they weren’t just going for the empty picture because it was new and interesting: Another group of bees trained to always choose the larger number tended to pick the nonzero image in this test.
I searched for more information about this picture, and found more from the photo shoot. Classic horror stars with cats. Pretty adorable.
I unfortunately live in Florida. Florida Power and Light took over, and everyone hates it. People are getting power bills for thousands of dollars. They sent out a newsletter right after the takeover saying that prices would go up temporarily and then be lower than they were before. Still waiting for that price drop. I try to tell the MAGAs that FPL is one of DeSantis’s major campaign contributors, but the most reasonable reply I got is “well it would probably be even worse if the democrats were doing it.” I’m so tired of everything.
I support this but only if all the Seans agree that “Sean” rhymes with “bean” from now on.
His taste is pretty much anything an 8 year old thinks a rich guy would have.
It’s a somewhat informal “discarded.”
I feel like they did it on purpose for the attention. Otherwise what would a “memorable edge” be? A screenshot of a website? They knew what they were doing.
Have you ever tried Wim Hof breathing techniques? I also have ADHD and I have a really hard time with meditation but it works for me.
It also sounds like it could be possible that this is at least partially an issue with your body chemistry. There are so so many little things that can affect the brain, like maybe a medication or any other drugs you might take, a food you’re not fully aware that you’re a bit allergic to, inflammation, a malfunctioning brain chemistry such as an anxiety disorder, etc.
Here’s a link to the Wim Hof video if you’re interested. Just be aware that people get weirdly cultish about him, and I’m not sure I would follow everything he recommends, but this particular exercise helps my anxiety a lot.
That’s definitely Roger from American Dad.
As a woman who is bothered by the “females” thing, “female humans” doesn’t sound bad to me. It’s because “female” is used as an adjective here. It’s the same reason “black women” sounds fine, but “blacks” sounds bad. It’s reducing someone to their gender only, as if they’re not humans, too. It feels otherimg.