cafe bustelo
Edit: its good coffee. Not sure about its political leanings though.
cafe bustelo
Edit: its good coffee. Not sure about its political leanings though.
I’ll never forget the instant fear pitted to my stomach when they announced her veep pick. The feeling was instant and it shook me for a hot second. I brushed the feeling off right away. I think it was me having a premonition of the outcome. I have no idea but come on, Tim Kaine?
So he read about Doe 147 and got even more disgusted than I did? Which, yeah. I don’t blame him if that was his motive.
That was some of the sickest shit I’ve ever read about someone with so much power and influence.
Re: recently unsealed Epstein documents uncover who Doe 147 is (trump) and recounts some of the experiences told by the abused girls.
Just in time for the release of the new dead in the eyes emoji.
Hook. It’s always Hook.
It’s interesting scrolling through the search results. Seems like a lot of schools, municipalities, and the Philippines have a problem with distinguishing between confidential and public.
Hey now, Don’t kink shame the weirdos
Meowlicious compliance
Flat faced kitties have a much harder time cleaning themselves so if I had to guess, this was after a sanitary/dematting groom. At least I certainly hope it is.
PSA: Do not buy/adopt flat faced pets without fully knowing what goes into caring for them.
This is the ultimate vibe.
Gosh I hope so
Whatever happened to Kayne?
Standard Republican operating procedure. No one should be surprised by this.
I feel like I’m having dejavu.
Ha! Oh wow, now that’s a spicy spelling mistake! 🤌
Rambutans. They look like fluffy sea urchins but you crack that shell open and it’s soooo good. Much like leches.
You can. I do. As a Jew and as someone who has family living in Jerusalem who all hate Bibi and what he stands for. Fuck Bibi and fuck the Knesset. And fuck Zuck too.
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