I can’t understand why every other fediverse name is so stupid as to be off putting to the average user.
I can’t understand why every other fediverse name is so stupid as to be off putting to the average user.
I’m a bit confused as to what’s happening in the last frame?
Certain Sodas and fruit flavored drinks
Great. That was usefully specific.
Me modding the 2D pixel art game with ultra HD textures, shaders, reflections, realistic physics engine, ray tracing.
(Mc)Donald’s Dantes Inferno
It’s not that £4 cable costs £300. £4 is the scrap value of the copper once the insulation has been peeled off. Freshly made cable costs a bit more than that.
It costs £300 to fix because of the cost of the cable, labour and the workmanship.
In areas where bananas are native people
Well… Multiverse theory confirmed then…
Just do Onlyfans like that other PhD person
When has Batman been lefty?
His generally agreed upon biography is a wealthy billionaire trust fund baby who suffered great emotional loss and broke, who now spends the rest of his life and fortune fighting injustice
No it was not a bad idea my good sir.
We actually managed to drive one of the strains of the flu virus to become extinct in the wild.
They are certainly very affectionate birds and great fun to have around.
My only word of warning to a potential first time owner is that they are messy eaters and even messier shitters. They are also noisy AF. I loved their tunes but I’m pretty sure I pissed off the neighbor with their screeching.
Colorful parrot bird is a rainbow lorikeet if anyone is curious.
A long time ago one of these guys found their way into my house. I’m not a bird person so I had no idea what this was either. I thought it was some sort of parakeet, it loved fruits and climbing on people but it had no interest in seeds or biscuits, which I found strange.
I brought it to the nearest pet shop on my shoulder to get it ID’ed and it stayed on my shoulder the whole time till we got back home. I adopted it and we had many good years. I still miss the colorful parrot bird sometimes.
Crocodile eats bigger number is way easier to remember
We have seemingly reliable accounts of archeologist/explorers cooking and sampling frozen mammoth meat they excavated.
The meat was good enough to eat without them falling sick. Apparently it tasted like muddy meat and it had the texture of what you’d imagine bad elephant jerky would be like.
I think this version of the batmobile used “Atomic Batteries” whatever that is. They were never clear on how it worked but we never saw them refueling the bat mobile, so its not gas or diesel.
I’m concerned about the radiation coming out the back of that thing.
One of those red lights might be saddam
I’m in an engineering field, and I can tell you this absolutely holds true.
I’ve been very average in my own specialty of electrical engineering, but because I’ve taken the time to deep dive into mechanical engineering and controls/automation, I’ve far surpassed my peers career wise.
Where did you study?
Oh some university on the west of england
The founding fathers were correct. A pure democracy is also known as mob rule. Anytime you can get 51% to agree with you, you can do whatever you like.
If 51% vote to take the homes of black people, that’s decided and done.
Which is why modern democracies are all some form of representative democracy. Which in theory is supposed to act as a sort of check and balance on the system.
Lemmy is a stupid god awful name.
The first result you get on google is a dead singer. Every other search you will have him on the front page instead of what you’re trying to find. Contrast this to searching for something from reddit.
Case in point guitar reviews lemmy vs guitar reviews reddit