One of those red lights might be saddam
One of those red lights might be saddam
I’m in an engineering field, and I can tell you this absolutely holds true.
I’ve been very average in my own specialty of electrical engineering, but because I’ve taken the time to deep dive into mechanical engineering and controls/automation, I’ve far surpassed my peers career wise.
Where did you study?
Oh some university on the west of england
The founding fathers were correct. A pure democracy is also known as mob rule. Anytime you can get 51% to agree with you, you can do whatever you like.
If 51% vote to take the homes of black people, that’s decided and done.
Which is why modern democracies are all some form of representative democracy. Which in theory is supposed to act as a sort of check and balance on the system.
Yes technically almost every number is divisible by another in some way and you’re left with a remainder that spans plenty of decimal places.
But common parlance when something is said to be divisible is that the end results is a round number…
Male bear or female bear? My decision could be different…
Holy shit. That’s mildly terrifying…
So will the bowling ball gravitationally attract the earth to itself there by reach the earth an infinitesimally small amount?
I wouldn’t mind the chance to occasionally go back in the past and talk to long lost loved ones, let them know I miss them and that everything’s alright.
Even if it was just limited to a time bubble and nothing I did in the past would change the present or future.
Either you play the hand you’re dealt or you don’t complain when you forfeit the game.
The nutty putty incident on the right is new to me. And pretty dark
I hear coconut is a real treat
Oh Captain, my Captain!
The real tragedy here is that the educational standards have been allowed to drop so far that “can’t watch TV at night” is a legitimate issue with solar to some people.
Is that the one where you slide the joycons in and out trying to get the console to recognize and assign the joycons?
I see you made an account just to post tankie propaganda.
How’s that working out for you?
Excuse me! Dr Pepper should be an absolute top left corner candidate.
I think this version of the batmobile used “Atomic Batteries” whatever that is. They were never clear on how it worked but we never saw them refueling the bat mobile, so its not gas or diesel.
I’m concerned about the radiation coming out the back of that thing.