Courtesy of /u/idiot206’s sleuthing work when this was posted to reddit a couple years back, it’s a modded Mac SE
Courtesy of /u/idiot206’s sleuthing work when this was posted to reddit a couple years back, it’s a modded Mac SE
Console commands also let you apply some non-spell effects as enchantments. If you want to have a bit of fun cheating, you can put a max strength fus ro dah on a hammer and pretend to be Thor
Weshesh, one of the groups Ramesses III said he defeated when the Sea Peoples attacked Egypt. As far as I know, though, they’re one of the groups that we have basically no other mentions or evidence of, so we have no idea who they were
This is an apt comparison, especially since Buckfast is also caffeinated
Little scam artist is getting himself double dinners and still looks that good
The article says that the Ministry has suggested students use other programs, so it sounds like it’s just something students often use rather than something that’s actually required. I’ve not been in school for a long time, but I am doing a distance learning course and when I had to submit some written stuff I definitely found it more comfortable to type it up in an actual word processor than the web platform that only showed about a paragraph at a time, so I did that and then copied it to the web platform.
I’m glad that for all our differences we can all at least share some common ground in laughing at the Libertarian party
Huh, not sure what’s going on there. It looks fine on my instance obviously, but it seems fine on yours and the post’s in the browser at least. Then again kbin seems to be particularly janky with links in particular. Thanks for making a version everyone can see
Use the other hand to count twelves! Each time you fill up one hand, add one to the other. That way you can get all the way to 156, which is probably more than you’d ever want to count one by one anyway
I find it useful if I’m counting only specific instances of something that meet some criteria. That way my brain can focus on picking out the right things and not have to worry about keeping the current count in mind. I use the method with your thumb on each segment of your fingers though, so you can get up to twelve with one hand and 156 with both
Actual explanation: these squid are transparent normally, but can turn on a dark pigmentation when that is a more effective camouflage. Being transparent works quite well most of the time, but if the predator has its own light source (as several deep-sea predators do) then their transparent state becomes a problem, because it’s relatively reflective compared to the water around them. In this situation, turning on the dark pigment helps them blend in with the dark water better.
Some instances blocked ImgBB because it was being used to spread child porn a while back
Well you see, the UN’s logo is actually a top-down view of Earth. Apparently. Because they can’t keep a conspiracy secret without leaving some clues in the open for kicks.
Soon he’s gonna go grab the sword from the Motherland Calls and take to the frontlines himself
They said they plan to vote for Biden this year
I think you’ve misunderstood the comment above. They’re asking why snapshotting DRM-protected content would be a problem if everything stays local, implying that since it’s a problem it does not stay local
I think you’re missing what an “effective tax rate” is. If your country’s income tax is 0% on the first 10k, 10% on the next 10k, and 20% after that and you earn 40k, your effective tax rate is:
The wiki page does not show that data.
I’m going to assume that the ladysitter is the most responsible friend on a hen night
The small one is an E30 3 series and the big one is an X7 (pre-2022). The X7 does get slightly better fuel consumption than that, 27-29 mpg on the petrol engine. The 3 series is probably somewhere in the low 20s based on forum posts but I’m not sure where to get actual data for that one, and I’ve got no idea which engine is in it