Are we going to halt this Bronze Age collapse or what, Minoans?
Dafuq is a weshwesh supposed to be
Weshesh, one of the groups Ramesses III said he defeated when the Sea Peoples attacked Egypt. As far as I know, though, they’re one of the groups that we have basically no other mentions or evidence of, so we have no idea who they were
Maybe the earliest example of, “You should see the other guy!”
There’s one meaning I know of “weshwesh” and it’s definitively pretty racist
source: am French and also Arab
Est-ce que ça s’écrit pareil en français ?
Je pense, PENSE, que c’est “ouechouech” mais je suis pas sûr.
On peut prononcer “weshwesh” de la même façon, donc pourquoi pas l’écrire comme ça?
Idéalement on ne devrait pas l’écrire du tout, enfin pas pour désigner des Arabes (ça reste une salutation familière, comme dans le titre du film :
“Weshwesh” c’est pour les arabes? Je savais pas.
Ouais, avec une connotation “kaillera”. J’étais pas très content quand on me l’a sorti (au taf en plus)
Same (except the Arab part), this post was highly confusing at first 😅
Is there a word for something that’s not racist but feels racist?
Stop being such a Peleset.
Brigands and thief (both from around 1400) stand out from this list as a little too modern
I’m not your friend… you brigand.
That one’s going to sting. Can’t for get old favorite’s like “wretch”, and “charlatan”!
What if I call you Shekelesh?
You’re going to get the populace riled up talking like that.
Never go against a Shekelesh when life is on the line.
There’s so many that totally need to come back…
I’m a big fan of Roosevelt’s “mind that functions at six guinnea pig power” and “fragrant man swine.”
Is that a Roman soldier in Egypt?
Yeah, why would that be strange?
Idk, the look of it all feels off. Like the AI got the eras mixed up
Yeah it’s a big mishmash of various vaguely ‘antique’ ideas and aesthetics all piled together with no artistry. There is a pyramid in the background and what looks like some generically helenistic-ish columns in the midground. Both appear ruined which is yeah whatever. The bloke at the front is shirtless with a distinctly modern physique, wearing a helmet that although it probably fits whatever aesthetic we’re going with here doesn’t in fact line up particularly well with anything historical. Aiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaai. I think the sea peoples liked to wear nice little pointy hats of various kinds, and the architecture of the period contemporary with the Bronze Age collapse probably looked quite distinct, and certainly more colourful than I was expecting.
There was a loooooong overlap between Rome and Egypt and there was regular travel between the two areas.
Not in the late bronze age.
You do know why Cleopatra killed herself, right?
Is it because the Oracle told her Nancy Reagan would eventually usurp her title of Throat GOAT?
It looks like it’s supposed to be more greek, since the romans weren’t known for fighting naked, whereas we think ‘greek’ and we think shirtless. Also romans weren’t involved in egypt in any serious way till much later. Whereas the ‘sea peoples’ seem to come from roughly the sphere of mycenean influence, even if they don’t all seem ‘greek’.
The Mycenian Greeks probably wrestled control of Crete from the Minoans ~300 before the late bronze age collapse of greek and hittite power structures.
Cultural elements and settlements of these “Eteocretans” remained, but I don’t think the Minoans were in any place to halt anything at that point. During the period we call collapse they seem to have been doing a lot of fleeing into the mountains.
Man how fucking wild would it be if we suddenly just found a super isolated village of Minoans like those Cappadocian greeks that only recently re-established contact with society because of how remote they were
I’m loving the mutated statues in the background
This image just screams “AI-generated”. Yuck.
Edit: I don’t hate AI-generated images, just the ones that are disgustingly Uncanny Valley.
Aside from that, I just have one thing to say: your face.
If your reasons for hating an ai genned image are anything other than it not being very good, you are wrong
Oh no, the meme half covered in white text is generated by AI. Anyways.
I am shocked and appalled that the maker didn’t use a real selfie from Minoa
They prefer to be called seamen
I want ‘ne’er-do-well’ to make a comeback.
The Chinese word for foreigner is Sea Person
Don’t forget jormash, likituki, didibutuki, weewam and splughhhr.
I recognize the Sea Peoples. I have an article open on my phone with new research on them that I need to go back and read. I’m really good at opening links to things I want to read later and then letting them accumulate.