Why? Is it the McAlpine? Pretty sure that one of the first kings of Scotland was Cinead (Kenneth) McAlpine.
Second one looks good. She has got a bit click-baity, but I found a lot of Thais Gibson’s “Personal Development School” channel on YouTube to be really accessible. She has links to tests, but it’s also useful just listening to her video overviews if the different attachment styles and seeing if you recognise yourself in any of the descriptions. Certainly I was at a loss, watched them, and was like, “Oh shit! Her description of anxious preoccupieds and dismissive avoidance is almost verbatim what I’m dealing with!”
If you are dismissive avoidant, don’t read the comments. There are a lot of butthurt anxious preoccupieds out there. They really do experience DAs like that, but they’ve got their own shit to work out and contribute to the dynamic.
Nosing (instead of reversing) into a parking spot. You always pick the conditions of your arrival, but not always your departure. Also, reversing into traffic is ridiculous and illegal in some places. Parking nose-first is dangerous and lazy.
EDIT: Love how you’re all justifying your bad driving habits. Camera? Still can’t scan for incoming traffic. Bad weather only on occasion? It’s more than bad weather that can make reversing out of a door dangerous.
… and I HATE angle parking.
A thumbs down is also non-aggressive. The middle finger is escalating and can be considered provocation. Thumbs down is just an expression of disapproval. It’s less inflammatory and cuts deeper.
I always get concerned that somehow I have packed hard drugs (I don’t do hard drugs.)
Canadian politics: red, Liberal party (center); blue, Conservative party (right); orange, New Democrat party (left); green, Green party (was kinda conservative, then had a meltdown around identity politics); BQ are kind of French separatists.
It’s other common name is the European Fat Dormouse.
I don’t see why the need to shame. Some of us like our dormice with some fat on them.
Yes, the introduction of steel to sail boat construction allowed bullders to blow previous size constraints out of the water. They were considered big and ugly. IRC Windjammer was an insulting name because they didn’t look like elegant craft that rode the wind, but wind jammers.
These are not windjammers though, are they? They look like pretty vanilla, small sail boats (IDK sloops ketches, or yawls… (Wrong … Too many masts. They’re schooners.) Windjammer was a derogatory moniker for the sailing ships built after steel construction became common. Much much taller masts, wire rigging etc.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’d expect a much larger hull and 3 or 4 very tall masts, with something like four square sails per mast.
The Windjammers outcompeted steam vessels for many transoceanic trade routes because they don’t require the constant input of coal to operate.
Picture on that article depicts a ship with six square sails.
EDIT: looked at the picture again. I believe they are schooners.
Listen here, Zac. The meme is addressed to “Mom”, a representative parental figure of - let’s assume - Gen X. Now, Gen X was not really into anime, which is the butt of the joke. They weren’t a bunch of weebs and probably also refer to group of the Japanese warrior class as ‘samurais’. HOWEVER, they called lots of little bricks ‘lego’. It was Millennials that started calling them ‘legos’.
So, I’m pointing out the hypocrisy.
No. That is not a member of the order of Hemiptera at all. It is an Orthopteran.
I believe that “Indian Giving” is sourced in a cultural misunderstanding between Indigenous and European societies. Indigenous societies were reciprocity based, so giving gifts should be reciprocated with a gift of like value to strengthen relationships, or increase honour (social standing). The Europeans were working in a patron-client system so a gift was seen as a way of purchasing access to power through a patron. The Europeans thought the Indigenous people were paying for access to power (like a tributary), so there’s no expectation of returning a like gift. The indigenous people thought they were entering into a mutual relationship, and when a like gift wasn’t returned that was seen as reneging, so they took back their ‘offer’.
Glad to have an anthropologist kick my ass.
Now draw a fire holding the woody species.
I suspect round one is like eating milk, and round two is a fine cheese. Or eating cabbage, and later experiencing it as a well-aged kimchi. I’m sure it’s full of probiotics.
A longer digestive system is necessary to properly break down plant cellulose. This is why some small herbivores are copraphagic (eat their own shit, like rabbits): it takes two times through to extract adequate nutrients.
Oh wow, you’re posting memes now!
Stahp! You’re too much!
Thanks! Didn’t guess that, but they’re just a little farther up the coast.
I’m not seeing it here, but the other ironic subtext is that Goliath was a Philistine, now known as a Palestinian (same root word).