People who can’t spell “husky” do.
Rouge trader hit #2 for a day or two and went away
Probably because there’s only so much makeup you can sell before the novelty wears off.
The only way to justify it IMO is if he meant “for”.
No gifs is a minor bummer.
She was a Goldwater Girl, which is orders of magnitude worse. McGovern would have been a massive improvement from Nixon.
Or some Native folks ask him to break into a crude oil plant to steal paperwork that proves the land is theirs.
NGL I’d seriously consider that one.
And ya’ll need to stop using chrome.
Always thought it was wild that she plunged the entire kingdom into what could have been eternal winter, dooming all of her subjects to slow deaths by starvation and hypothermia, and by the start of the second movie no one remembers or cares. They don’t even give a shit when her sister commits an act of terrorism and nearly floods the city. Are they just too scared to act?
wait people don’t understand how microwaves work? dumb lol