You have to be pretty naive to think this will even have the slightest of consequences. Maybe his tesla stock will drop slightly more but that’s it…
You have to be pretty naive to think this will even have the slightest of consequences. Maybe his tesla stock will drop slightly more but that’s it…
I’m using the voyager app and the experience is almost 1:1 with reddit if that maybe helps you.
Exactly how dumb are his supporters? Seriously who in their right mind thinks a billionaire will support the working class? Billionaires are the reason the working class is suffering…
Billionaires only care about wealth and power… nothing else
And yet people post on that shithole with so many great alternatives that aren’t owned by one person or centralised.
People are so ignorant of it too. Last time I mentioned lemmy as an alternative somewhere on discord I got nearly banned.
It always amazes me people keep on using centralised platforms like reddit.
Sure lemmy isn’t perfect but at least if one instance goes crazy you can always switch.
I’ve decided I’m not using websites that block mullvad anymore. I’m talking about a hard block like reddit does and not a captcha (captcha is fine by me).
If they’re doing that much trouble to prevent me from using a VPN they must me doing some pretty shady shit with my data.
I will not move to another VPN because of all VPNs I feel Mullvad respects my privacy most.
Yeah, it’s kinda sad but that will probably happen.
Yeah, except most people suck.
Last time I mentioned lemmy I was almost banned.
Maybe we should stop with left, right and centrist all together.
It’s a stupid way of defining politics. If you ask a random person what being left means it can vary from anything between hugging a tree or wanting good health care.
By calling yourself “green” or “social” you are immediately putting a label on yourself and a lot of people won’t vote for you because they’re too dumb or lazy to actually read into what a party is about. I saw an article here on lemmy that pointed out some moron that voted for Trump in hopes he would save his farm, if he would have read into politics he would have known that Trump was the worst possible choice but here we are…
I’m from Europe and I see the same shit happening here. Call yourself green or left and people will scoff at you.
If there is anything the current “left” parties absolutely suck at its marketing. Call yourself the freedom party or whatever but stop using idiotic terminology that people can’t relate to. Almosr no one will vote for the “environment party”.
I hate the extremist conservative parties here but i have to give them credit for being able to market their party in such a way that people are literally voting on them AGAINST their own best interests.
Man I wish my online friends were that easy to switch.
As soon as I mention Lemmy “what’s wrong with reddit”. As soon as I mention element “but everyone uses whatsapp/discord”.
It suck that 90% of the people are stuck in their old ways and refuse to try anything new.
Hell I almost got banned for even mentioning lemmy once.
Sad but true. I switched to Linux mint for private use.
Thanks I’ll definitely check that out. I’ve seen some posts about it working on Synology Nas devices so that’s very interesting.
While both of those are great software. Unless I’m not aware of something they aren’t cloud/network based office suites like Google docs and office 365.
It seems this is an alternative to office software where you can work simultaneously and share documents in the same cloud/network.
I don’t think there is an alternative to office 365 and Google docs at this point that is open source. So this seems like a great project and I’ll definitely be considering it for our company.
Well basically the same things that makes other Europeans mad at the USA. USA has proven to be unreliable in about everything (climate, trade, stability, economics).
Honestly the only positive is that the EU is finally stepping up and getting rid of our dependance on the US.
Same here. Dutch and don’t want to use any american closed source crap anymore. Dutch people are pretty angry of the US right now.
Awesome picture!
Can’t wait! I hope it’s a season but a movie would be nice too.
I made the mistake of not doing this. I was so fed up with reddit that I had to get off there ASAP.
You’d think people would want something different like a non proprietary OS that spies on your every daily aspect of your life seeing the recent tensions in the word.
But nah let’s all keep using Facebook, MS, Google and act all surprised pikachu face when 1984 finally happens.
I’ve been wanting a phone with alternate OS for ages now but it simply isn’t there. Guess ill just have to stick to grapheneos for now.
If blackberry manages to come back without using android I might consider them. It its just going to be another shitty android phone with a blackberry skin on it then I’ll pass. Probably a fat chance anyway since no one will buy a phone that doesn’t have android or iOS.