The best moments of my life have mostly been fleeting and mostly inconsequential. The worst moments have mostly had long term consequences.
The best moments of my life have mostly been fleeting and mostly inconsequential. The worst moments have mostly had long term consequences.
I didn’t know they had inport taxes on desktops. Thanks for the heads up.
In my experience, typically import taxes are there to try and encourage buying local. Does New Zealand manufacturer their own electronics, or is this import tax just a way to levy money? Or is it to reduce environmental impact?
Doing the same in a couple of months! Whangherei
I remember connecting to private World of Warcraft servers back in the day and even hosted one for just me and my partner. Anyone know if it would be technically possible do this for RuneScape?
Spending and consumning less could help more. Espicially gas and meat.
I’m of the unpopular opinion that India/Pakistan should be its own continent and New Zealand should be different continent then Australia. Both because they are different techtonic plates.
Wow! I didn’t know he could read.
The area I live in has flooded 3 times since it was first inhabited in in the 1780s. 1915, 2004, and Helene. Helene had about as much water as those previous two times combined.
“floods all the time” bite me
I live in the mountains. 2000 feet above sea level. The nearest river is a mile away and 40 feet of elevation below us. The river normally is 3 feet deep and 10 feet wide, when the area gets a lot of rain it can run about 8 feet deep, but no worries because that’s how high the bank is. When Helene hit, the flood waters rose up to our street.
The rivers in and around Asheville were rising a foot a minute in some places. Those waters also had cars, trucks, trailers and roofs in them.
Mud/landslides are awful, but so is flooding and it can happen a lot quicker then most people think.
I’m very lucky to have escaped in time.
I get the spirit here but not sure I agree that it MUST be true mathematically.
A full time job is 32+ hours a week. Even if I use the American 40, that’s still only 23% of the week not counting vacation or holiday.
Most people don’t get more then 8 hours off sleep a night. That’s 1/3 the day. 43% of the week for everything else.
That’s enough time for you to do something more than sleep or work. Then count in time for vacation and holiday and if you don’t sleep eight hours every night. And if you do stuff at work that isn’t necessarily in your job title.
Due to my meds I can only sleep 4-5 hours a night.
Just wait until you learn about friction!
The legality of deporting citizens has not stopped America from doing it anyways in the past.
Team Tab Supremacy Unite!
When you push something you push the atoms in the thing. This in turn pushes the adjacent atoms, when push the adjacent atoms all the way down the line. Very much like pushing water in the bathtub, it ripples down the line. The speed at which atoms propogate this ripple is the speed of sound. In air this is roughly 700mph, but as the substance gets harder* it gets faster. For example, aluminum and steel it is about 11,000mph. That’s why there’s a movie trope about putting your ear to the railroad line to hear the train.
If you are talking about something magically hard then I suppose the speed of sound in that material could approach the speed of light, but still not surpass it. Nothing with mass may travel the speed of light, not even an electron, let alone nuclei.