Our tears now, comrade.
Our tears now, comrade.
I dont think capitalism is being exploited. I think its doing exactly what it was designed to do.
Many capitalist countries have a lot of that now.
I should imagine that there is a lot of hand wringing and “I can’t imagine why” going on around him.
This is the same Palestine that is getting bombed to shit, right?
Love his speeches. I’ve never heard someone say so many words, and yet say so little.
A few of the U.K. specific ones are as well. But then there are some subs pro Palestine.
If they don’t want to get investigated or lose contracts, they could just do the job properly.
What is happening at US university campuses is totally different though, cause it’s in America. Them, probably.
Some people think beards are stylish.
They will probably be quite happy to do this, for a huge fee.
Best one I’ve seen yet.
How is this a win for safety? Its just more shit to protect the rich.