That’s right, someone talked about commenting that on everyone’s Spotify wrapped.
Edit: here it is:
That’s right, someone talked about commenting that on everyone’s Spotify wrapped.
Edit: here it is:
My god, that’s perfect! Wait, no, I’m perfect!
I understand that being comfortable in one’s own skin means being comfortable with being average, but… Can’t I also be amazing and the best and like, so cool? Why can’t I be well adjusted and also perfection incarnate?
For some reason this immediately reminded me of Van Damme’s truck commercial?
We think that of all morons in positions of power, because it’s difficult to fathom how they got there otherwise. Despite all the proof to the contrary, we continue to think meritocracy is a thing. The prosperity gospel is one of the more overt expressions of that belief: if you’re rich, it’s obviously because you’re just the best, smartest little cookie and you deserve it all. What other reasons could there possibly be?
The inability to use words to say stupid shit does confer a certain air of wisdom, however.
Someone who goes to casinos would come to the same conclusion, thinking that the surgeon is ‘running hot’.
Right, the problem has nothing to do with the people perpetuating it. Sure.
Thankfully they only last 10 minutes
You’ve got the right idea though, PCR is usually necessary before electrophoresis in order to amplify the sample being tested so that it will give a legible result.
I study linguistics and a lot of different languages, and what you said made me think of how the difficulty in learning a second language depends on how different it is to our native tongue, or how accents within our own language are difficult to understand depending on how different and unfamiliar they are to us. Yet people tend to insist that certain languages are ‘simply’ hard, and insist that unfamiliar grammar or pronunciation ‘make no sense’, no matter how many millions of people use them naturally since childhood. I think it’s very difficult to imagine things which are instinctive to us being anything other than immanent truths about the universe, and anything contradicting those instincts feels wrong. What is familiar feels simple and obvious, difference feels complicated and somehow malicious; it’s ‘unnatural’. What is natural is ourself, everything else is crazy.
I think it’s just anger about being out of touch. You can’t make comedy in a vacuum, it necessarily draws on contemporary culture, and Jerry’s probably feeling a bit left in the dust. But he frames it in a way where he feels victimized. That’s my reading for most embarrassing or offensive old comedians though, so maybe I’m painting with too broad a brush.
Seems right up my alley but there’s a snowballs chance in hell of me coughing up that much dough for it. Good on the devs for finding their market though.
In France there are plenty of people who ask for Dafalgan or neurofen but have no idea what paracetamol or ibuprofen are.
Hey, you leave them and their strawwomen alone!
I think the blade runner sequel had something like this too.
Sorry to go straight for Godwin’s law, but Eichmann’s entire defense relied on saying he was just doing what he was told, “My fault is only my obedience”. It’s not much of an argument.