There were still mammoth when the pyramids were being built.
There were still mammoth when the pyramids were being built.
That’s the point
Trust but verify
All of this was a pretense.
Which was proven to cause ulcers by an abrasive scientist drinking a culture and getting them.
That is HHB: Hank Hill Butt
You can be as evil as you want, as long as you are doing it to the right people and you’re on their team.
Ok. So the censorship of RedNote is mandated by the CCP in order for them to persist. Shitter is doing what they are by their own choice.
How about the New Madrid fault? Apparently that is the new MAH-drehd. I fought against that one, mostly because folks laughed at me for pronouncing it like the rest of the entire world would expect.
That quote was just beautiful. I really wish we could just share our experiences with those in other areas without any judgement, and just acknowledge our differences, and similarities as humans.
Agreed, but please remember that this is the same under fascism and communism.
It has SWARES!! SWARES, I tell you!
Ooh. Dunno about the adaptation side of things. I will say that I read the damned thing all in one night. Had to stay home from classes after doing so. Good book, to say the least.
If it’s any solace, it’s nothing personal. The line must go up! Legally required!
I think they are buying carve outs for the tariffs
Yah. Mine just has full on knife wounds from that.
I…. Isn’t that what I said?
I mean, it is an awesome drug! I use it a lot. Even in covid suffers - when COVID activates an autoimmune disease.
Let’s do ivermectin next! I’ll go first: fantastic for endo and ectoparasites, and even a subset of folks with rosacea. Does jack all for Covid infections.
Oh, you know: Tomato tmahto, potato criptofacism.