Every year is the year of the linux desktop lol
Every year is the year of the linux desktop lol
If you can work through all of the weird issues it works great, but it can definitely be finicky to setup for some people. Im in an apartment and the wifi in 5ghz range is so congested i had stuttering every few seconds. Had to switch to use DFS and it was super smooth after that.
Start here https://github.com/hotwired/turbo/pull/972 and then https://github.com/hotwired/turbo/pull/973
Tldr someone moved a popular repo from typescript to JavaScript, the negative response was quite overwhelming.
This comment could really benefit from some clarification on who the “great creator” is.
I wouldn’t be surprised if users of most new apps with a lot of hype follow this trend. Everyone jumps in at first, as hype dies a lot of users stop visiting, and after that is when # of daily users stabilizes and begins the organic growth. We are still in the hype dying phase, transitioning to normal growth.
For that reason, I dont put much weight in headlines like this. It will take several more months or a year to really make a conclusion on whether the app is a success or failure.
Going to see Oppenheimer in imax soon and this post got me researching about imax and fake imax and now im a little disappointed that the imwx theater im going to is just digital imax (fake imax). Oh well :/
Linking from else where in the post… They did push into a test environment and it looked fine. the issue here resulted from the immense user load in production which did not show up in the test environment.
Sucks that you couldnt get it working yet, but there are bound to be problems at this scale.
Anyone have any resources for learning what running a lemmy server is like ? Seems pretty interesting
GenAI made image of a verification post. The point i guess is that with genAI photos, anyone can easily make a fake verification post, making them less useful as a means to verify identity.
The post originally is from reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/s/fEle6uaiR7)