Welders are great for jewelry making
Welders are great for jewelry making
Nah Canada does it too
I mean, I wouldn’t have been mad if Harris had been elected AND also the guillotine got brought back, but I’m not American so my opinion doesn’t matter here.
I’m just happy Americans might start shooting billionaires instead of kids.
Oh I literally almost never use my sister’s name. Like not when I’m talking to her and also even if I’m talking to other people I’ll just say my sister. Sometimes I say my big sister which confuses people because I only have one.
That’s actually not nearly as long as I would’ve expected. Pretty impressive.
Most men don’t give af.
Truly spoken like someone who’s never jumped into bed immediately after a warm shower and a good leg shave.
Look I don’t shave anywhere anymore because I’m fucking lazy, but that right there is top tier sensations. You should try it one day.
Will it work if I do this from Canada? I haven’t had a period in over 4 years (help, I’ve been pregnant for 4 years!) But I want to help y’all too!
I can’t really see the difference :S
I think Mercury’s been in retrograde for a really long time, can we ask the astrologers to fix it so the world can go back to being sane?
I’m getting emotional whiplash from the amount my emotions go from “fuck them all violence is the only answer” to “you should keep an open door for when their faces are undoubtedly eaten by leopards and need help”
Can you or someone share what it is? I’m scared to google it now hahaha.
I’m Canadian, but I think after next year I’ll be on our own track, only with a slightly smaller and less effective train
Just, like, spend it all on hookers and blow or what?
Would this honestly surprise you?
It would be, if those same billionaire owners didn’t pull the politician’s puppet strings.
Ooooh like the Winnie the Pooh shit that really got in that guy’s head. I’m into it.
Look maybe they’ll go the Canadian way of reeducation and integration instead. That works super well I’m told. I’m also told it definitely doesn’t count as genocide so they’ll be all clear. Great plan.
/s in case that’s not terribly obvious
Happens in Canada too, only we actually have multiple parties. but the left sides tend to split the vote more whereas the right manages to have less splintering and usually will back one of the major conservative parties. It sucks honestly but I’m okay with it because at least I don’t feel my vote is wasted when I vote for an alternative.
See that’s funny. My boss using comic sans light blue for emails explaining highly technical shit to non-technical users? Funny in theory, absolutely not in action.