Primarying incumbents who wouldn’t go along with them is how the far right took control of the GOP so of course the DNC is scared. That’s exactly how we can take control of it.
Primarying incumbents who wouldn’t go along with them is how the far right took control of the GOP so of course the DNC is scared. That’s exactly how we can take control of it.
It’d be like arguing with a lemming, soooo smug and self-important.
I blame everything on people that speak about themselves in the 3rd person.
He’s a spastic moron so the name fits wonderfully.
There’s no challenge, by participating you lose.
Please just stop dude.
Yep, I know you’re just becoming aware that the banned words exist but personally I like to know what people are saying, I’m a big boy and can assess their meaning myself.
I don’t need the thought police telling me what someone said was offensive to know it bothered me. It’s weird that you’re OK with it honestly. They wouldn’t even make the list configurable until recently, it was all just hardcoded.
No banned words
I suggest you learn about the instance you’re recommending because they absolutely do have a list of banned words and typing them will replace the word with “removed”. Maybe you’re a fan of having your language controlled or censored by I personally am not and it’s one of the key reasons I moved away from .ml.
Or a word they don’t like. Do you have a list of banned words you could share?
Family money isn’t necessarily his money, Grandpa may be a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps pussy” kind of guy.
Mustn’t let the poors get a foothold, they may improve their situation.
But that will ban you for talking about the genocide of Uyghur people.
unless you’ve worked in my field, which I can say with near certainty you haven’t, then you haven’t seen, witnessed, or experienced the things I have
I’ll bite, what field are you in?
Fried and de-legged they taste like sunflower seed kernels, they’re really inoffensive. The worst part is thinking about what they are.
Absolutely, water being such a vital part of life pretty much ensures it’ll be referenced. Kind of the same thing as various sun gods in cultures around the world.
I feel like the myth existing in cultures around the world from Mesopotamia to the Americas gives it credence. It makes sense that a “world-changing event” would work its way into various disparate cultures myths.
That’s not at all how natural selection works. Successful traits are passed on and unsuccessful ones aren’t. In the case of dogs, the canids able to tolerate being around prehistoric people were able to eat the scraps and early man found the canid provided protection and warning of other predators, it was very much a symbiotic relationship.
Feline and man for all intents and purposes just kind of agreed to exist together. As we developed agriculture and formed permanent settlements the grain attracted rodents which in turn attracted cats. The cats provided free pest control and companionship and are self-cleaning so were essentially given free reign, that relationship remains relatively unchanged.
People are still talking about some flood that probably happened at some point in pre-history.
It depends on a lot of factors but an argument could be made that things would improve.