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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023

  • I agree with the sentiment but I work in IT and yearn for when we will get rid of Microsoft, Amazon, and the tech giants.

    My mother won’t buy anything American at the grocery store but uses Amazon and Facebook every day.

    My coworkers won’t buy American products but use Windows, Teams, and Office every day.

    I may be using Linux, open source software, and avoid American tech when possible, but I still use Google and Gmail.

    At some point we may want to (or should) also extend that boycott to software and tech services. Have our governments, institutions and people not dependent on American corporations. It can only be good for our sovereignty anyway.

  • pedz@lemmy.catoPrivacy@lemmy.mlWhat car stickers say about you
    5 days ago

    This looks more like paranoia than tips about privacy. Everyone has a fucking giant TV inside their home. Everyone has hobbies.

    Unless you are actively targeted by some psycho… or the police. This just makes everyone thinks everyone else around them is out to rob and steal from them. But being from the US and from the police, it’s not very surprising. You also need a gun to protect yourself and your family from potential home invaders, you never know because the country is full of robbers and violent people! Don’t trust anyone! Just get your kids from school in your giant bulletproof SUV and drive straight to your McMansion where you can barricade yourself with all your precious stuff. In fact you should also take care to hide your McMansion behind a fake facade of poor people’s houses to avoid having less fortunate people target it as a potential place to rob.

    Every poor person is plotting to rob you! So if you show clues and get robbed, it’s gonna be your fault and the police will let you know you were stupid for putting a dirt bike sticker on your expensive SUV.

    Anyway, this is all just ridiculous in the first place. If someone wants to know you’re not home and steal crap from you, stickers or not, you’re already sitting in your fucking car, while not being home. It’s already a pretty big clue. Otherwise, are home invaders that diligent in the first place? Are they going to stalk people before robbing their home? Really, the stickers on my expensive SUV parked in front of my big house and the big garage is indicating that there might be expensive crap in my house and in my garage? I’m shocked to see how revealing those stickers can be!

    In fact, this being from the police just shows how much they profile and judge the shit out of people before even speaking to them.

  • Depends where I guess. And this also depends on your type of work.

    I know that people live year round on narrow boats in the UK, for example. But where I live, unless it’s a very very big boat, living on it year round would be very difficult if not impossible. Most marinas will close in fall/autumn and have a service to lift boats out of the water (and wrap them). If a (small) boat stays in the water for winter, it risks being iced in for months, and having its hull damaged by the pressure created by the ice. There are thawing and de-icing systems for boats and house boats but at this point, one may also want to live somewhere else during winter. Or move to warmer climates, if the job allows it.

    Anyways, marinas are still full here in summer, even if people have to lift their boats out of the water in fall and wrap them up in plastic for several months.

  • I don’t consider it a joke. It’s obvious that reporters/journalists/the press are making things worse and motivating him by asking stupid questions over and over, like “are you willing to use military force against our allies?”

    He answers something scandalous, the “news” repeats his stupid and scandalous answers, amplifies them, then escalate by asking even more potentially scandalous questions.

    It’s how they make a living. Things must have been very dull under Biden. Now they have people stressed and watching their stupid incessant flow of BS. It must be exciting for them.

    Maybe they will soon ask him if he considers using military force against Europe if they don’t do whatever the new world king wishes.

  • pedz@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlI do what I want
    1 month ago

    Hah. I live alone, no kids, no house, no car. And I am usually fine with that.

    I live in a tower in the downtown of a big city and have a very nice view. I share a pool, a terrasse and gym on the roof. No need to maintain the pool, the concierge does that. No driveway to plow in winter, no grass to cut in summer. No house maintenance.

    I have free time and disposable income. I can travel anywhere I want, pretty much when I want it. I’m on my second trip in the Carribean since the beginning of the year.

    In summer I take multiple days to cycle for hundreds of kilometres to go camping/hiking in national parks and explore the great bike network of my region. I live on an island, pull my kayak with my bike and explore the waters around whenever I feel like it.

    Seeing my friends with kids not being able to get a free weekend once every few months, I don’t mind how things have turned out for me.

  • Lately, Firefox + uBlock Origin and YouTube on Linux is sometimes horribly slow for me. It uses all the CPU and chokes my computers. Sometimes it’s even difficult to just seek in the video, as it’s so sluggish.

    It seems to vary depending on the type of ads. It’s not “random” because a video that has this behavior will always do it, even if I restart FF, while others will be fine.

    I thought it was my old computer at first, or that I was out of memory, but the same thing happens on my modern Ryzen.

    Although I notice it less and less, so maybe it was a bug with YT + uBlock.

    And it’s only on my Linux computers. On Android, FF + uBlock works super well.

  • My pet peeve about ads everywhere now is on Android.

    Your Android phone doesn’t come with a voice recorder? Download one, with ads every time you record.

    You want a different calculator? Ads!

    Flashlight app? Ads!

    Notepad? Ads!

    And people just apparently accept ads in nearly every app, even the most basic ones.

    I don’t remember the Sound Recorder, or Notepad having ads. But because people are now used to ads everywhere, it’s certainly coming as MS is trying to jam ads in everywhere possible in Windows too, now.

    I’m so grateful for Linux. The apps I get through apt-get don’t make me watch ads. Unfortunately even if based on Linux, the Android world is so infuriatingly crammed with ads.

    I wish I could find a “phone” or portable device in that format, with an OS that works like “true” Linux.

  • It doesn’t make me hate trains, it makes me hate the car and aviation industries for influencing governments and the general public.

    In Canada trains suck in general because of all you mentioned, but I’m aware that it’s caused by putting all of our money into highways, airports and the aviation industry, rather than putting a single dollar into owning and building more tracks.