That’s a crayfish my dude
That’s a crayfish my dude
I worked in the UAE for a while. It was so obvious that there is effectively a slave class. The Emiratis think they’re gods and look down on everyone else a disposable and subhuman. That entire region is fucked but the West turns a blind eye because of money. FIFA, FIA, etc.
This. I’ve always done dynamic IPs on my devices and set static IPs for them on my router. Never had an issue.
These non-profits like Kaiser Permanente and the Cleveland Clinic need to be seized by the government for failing to be truly non-profit and turned into universal healthcare.
It feels like the iPhone keyboard changed and this happens significantly more often now. I think it’s apple trying to “help”
The Google one has already been going on for three years.
Edit: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-monopolist-google-violating-antitrust-laws
Was it ever truly anonymous?
Very cool. How does the compare to the SearXNG fork of Searx?
Good. Let’s see what his daddy Trump gets. And good luck trying to get a pardon lol
Remember it takes 10000 hours to master something so if you spend 10 hours a week trying to pick up 13 year olds starting at that age, you’ll finally master it at…… 32
But they’re unlikely to have authorization to fly directly over people.
What about authoritarian governments, the both of them?
Authoritarian governments the both of them
Authoritarian governments the both of them
What’s the unicorn thing? I’m out of the loop.
I think most of these posts are just bots that are blindly reposting stuff from Reddit