Ouch. That hurt me right in the climate change.
Ouch. That hurt me right in the climate change.
I like turtles
😳 Are you out of your mind? Where in the world did you hear these things from? Lord, i mean if ANY of that were true; id be right there with ya. But those are the most left-field claims Ive ever heard and are not based on reality.
Wait, what? Thats a little bit of a stretch, don’t you think? Under Hitler, 6 million jews and millions of others were imprisoned, starved and slaughtered. I know some Jewish people who are fairly offended by this comparison. I know at first people were largely being hyperbolic, but its become clear that many actually feel this way. He aint Hitler guys, not even close. Thats kinda ridiculous.
Well, if you take a step back and look at the bigger picture, its hard to deny the facts. Its a corrupt system. I know everyone is all calling trump a criminal for this and that, but its like, yea, hi, welcome to America. The crazy thing is the idea that ANY person in high political office is NOT a criminal. You just don’t get that high up in American politics unless you’re playing dirty pool. Theres a million things one can criticize Trump for, but it just makes no sense to use the “criminal” argument unless youve spent your life living under a rock.
Idk the one on the left, but the one in the right is Kandrick Lemur, hes actually a man and sings for a the rap band. He makes good songs, I just wouldn’t let my daughter date him sense he shoots with guns
EDIT: I just joined, and do not yet know the ethos of this community. So, for the record, I was 100% being sarcastic 👍
Elon owns and profits off Tesla, but otherwise, he’s not very special. He’s rich, and he can win games of marketing chess, and intellectual property theft. I can never help but point out at al opportunities that he’s not much of an inventor, but no wonder he’s buddy buddy with Trump, they both are great at claiming credit for things they had little to do with. Its also fascinating, every venture Elon is in, is actually pro-leftist pro-environmentalist pro-deepstate, yet he’s hated by leftists for ‘being mean’, and loved by Trumpsters despite his true intentions being to help the government take freedoms away. That dynamic, is worthy of study in my opinion.