I try not to judge Tesla drivers too much since plenty of them bought in before Elon went full mask-off in support of fascism, but if you own a Cybertruck you were 100% aware of what you were supporting when you bought it and I will absolutely judge you for that poor financial decision. Fucking Cyberdorks.
People who own Cybertrucks might as well fly giant Trump and Elon flags. Fuck every single one of them.
I call them Cyberbacks. They aren’t trucks they are bloated hatchbacks.
They genuinely look like city dumpsters from behind. Saw a green one, thought it would be a good place to dump my bottles and cans.
It may be unfair, but I’ve been increasingly judgemental of Tesla drivers, especially over the past 4 or 5 years. He used to just be a joke when he was tweeting edgelord stuff like his nightstand and trying to have images scrubbed from the internet of when he was still bald. Model S, model 3, model X (s3x, hur dur). Then I was made angry by the hyperloop and his distracting, unproductive impact of the way America thinks about mass transit. Then I got mad about Starlink, first as extremely expensive, dystopian sky litter. Then as a frightening glimpse at communication control in places with civil unrest/protest. Then he bought twitter, and did a hilariously bad job at running it. Installing a cartoonishly bad sign on his building and whatnot. Naming it something idiotic. Then helping bring Trump back from the dead. Then everything he has done in the 2024 election cycle. I don’t know how people can stand to be associated with Elon and all the he represents in any way. It would be like driving around in a Jimmy Savile-mobile.
Because I bought a $60k car in 2018 that still works fine, and replacing a fully functional vehicle is a huge expense to undertake.
I acknowledge that it’s unfair, but I’m judging you. Everyone driving in a Tesla looks like a rube at best, tacky and vain at least, or a contributor to fascism at worst. Perhaps you might consider a bumper sticker, haha.
The stickers do help, I have seen one before and then I remember how it was exciting in the early days that someone was very publicly making a big push to introduce a viable alternative to internal combustion engines. We know a lot more now about Musk and Tesla than we did back when the first cars rolled out. A lot of the early Tesla owners probably meant well and it doesn’t help that nearly all the infrastructure (at least in my area) is car-only and hostile towards other forms of transit.
I’m sure that if major stockholders of the other auto brands were in the spotlight as much as Musk is, we’d see that they’re just as terrible
First off, absolutely. None of these CEOs got where they are by acts of kindness. But there in lies the rub. Musk is in the spotlight. In a very real way, with his purchase of Twitter, he has actually become the spotlight itself. And he is vocally championing hateful rhetoric, and he is bankrolling an existential threat to America/democracy/the planet. The icon that is Tesla is inexorably linked to Musk, and lately Musk is shaping up to be America’s Goebbels.
People that are buying the stickers are rubes. I don’t care what you think and anyone with an ounce of confidence shouldn’t either.
I’m convinced most of the anti Tesla rhetoric is coming from people who frankly are not Tesla (or any new car) customers anyway. If you’re actually in the market for an EV and want to compare range, charging network, dashboard UI+phone app quality (yes, all standard automakers are shit at software development, maybe hire people in SV), cost, vehicle options, maintenance + repair options (Tesla service isn’t run by the garbage dealership model and is actually good service and fairly priced) — then Tesla has been a clear winner for many years.
Feel free to go back to your dealership and waste half a day trying to buy a car. Every one else is still so far behind and if you get it, you get it.
If you’re actually in the market for an EV and want to compare range, charging network, dashboard UI+phone app quality, cost, vehicle options, maintenance + repair options then Tesla has been a clear winner for many years.
As someone who drives an EV and has been watching the market for the last 2.5 years to see about maybe getting s different one soon: lol. Lmao, even. Lmfao, perhaps.
Have fun sitting at the shitty dealership while service comes to my house!
My car doesn’t break, save one recall that happened and was fixed for free, had to go into the dealership because nobody can replace a battery in field when it’s melted a little, I’d think
If you regularly need service though I guess that’d be nice, I’d just get a car with better QC, personally
You can’t even do vehicle to load. Immediate skip even not counting Elon.
Incomprehensible statements… vehicle to load? Not sure there’s much an xc90 or a mache can do that MY can’t.
Weird that every other EV can do VTL
I had to google it. Got it, sure that’s a niche use case that the car doesn’t have. The only EV that I know advertises this feature is the Ford F150 lightning. Absolutely stunning sales on the car really showcase how useful that feature is. /s.
But ya the car has a 120v adaptor. Good enough for most people camping.
Ah, back when full self driving was only negative four years into the future.
He pushed Hyperloop such that they build more roads btw. since other forms of transit were just fine or however it went back then. Goal achieved, idiots loved him and argued for this nonsense a lot.
It was an attempt to derail California (and other) High Speed Rail.
Why would you build HSR if there’s something way faster/better/cheaper, you just need to wait 5 years? You’re going to look really dumb if you spend tens of billions on infrastructure intended to last more than a century, and then it’s obsolete before it’s complete.
Similar story with Toyota perpetually claiming to have amazing batteries 3-5 years away, making every EV look like an expensive waste with no resale value.
And a hydrogen economy, small nuclear reactors, or fusion power being 5/10/20 years away, removing the need to invest in transmission and generation.
A major paradigm shift being right around the corner makes people choose short-term solutions, because you want to wait for the new thing to arrive before investing in ‘old tech’.
The problem is most of it is lies, perpetuated by those selling the short-term-fix old tech.
Exactly. He’s the poster child for a virus that is killing our host. Beyond unhelpful, and well into counterproductive.
Yes that was it!
I judge people in Tesla’s, especially 3 and y the same way I used to judge bmw drivers. I must assume they are a dumbass and going to do something dangerous because they often do. Wonder what percentage of Tesla drivers used to have beamers.
I bought one when no other option for an EV really existed for reasonable range batteries.
I have never owned a luxury car. My other car is a Honda accord from 2016.
I would be happy to have any other car brand, but the cost to replace the car with a different EV of similar range would cost us $30k. Is it really that important to harm yourself financially to signal to others your preferences for a person?
Nope, and it’s generally healthier to not give a shit what strangers think
For me it’s less about signaling to other drivers. It’s more about not giving Elon money.
Ok, but we already gave him the money 5 years ago.
So, what changes by selling it?
I mean going forward.
What does that have to do with the comment I was responding to then?
Because people either don’t care or don’t care enough to pay more for another EV
This isnt 2002.
EVs from other car makers are both cheaper, and better built, than any Tesla. The Market has left Teslas and their bullshit in the dust.
Then people who buy a Tesla in 2024 simply suck. A bad product for a high price produced by an imbecile. It’s not easy to get scammed 3 times at once
Tesla has always been that, dude.
Meanwhile, many of the other major OEMs are dealing with massive battery recalls or large scale power failure recalls.
Because Tesla has never had a recall. 🙄
When it comes to the power train, the most important part of the vehicle, very few in comparison to all the other OEMs.
Arguably the 85kwh battery on the 2013 S or whatever it was maybe should have been recalled, but that’s it for batteries, and it wasn’t a saftey problem like the lg batteries. They had 1 scare where they limited batteries temporarily but after they investigated it wasn’t a problem and they restored them.
Nothing like the battery recalls with LG recalling hundreds of thousands of vehicles, and nothing at all like what’s going on with Hyundais ICUs with hundreds of thousands of vehicles.
Elon has always been crazy.
He used to be better at keeping his mouth shut.
He used to have less airtime
If you listened (as most of us in tech did) he’s been fucking batshit since the PayPal days.
He’s gotten worse, but people also used to be more charitable. I thought he sounded like a pretentious know-nothing CEO when I heard him talking about the Hyperloop in 2012, and it’s been an impressive downhill run from there.
He left trumps orbit last time he was president because Trump withdrew from the Paris Accord.
Now he doesn’t give a fuck about that or similar things.
He’s definitely more crazy / things changed.
He used to depend on that climate money and press for his car business.
Now he can shovel tax money directly into his own pocket, so he doesn’t need to pretend anymore.He never cared about climate change change, he just cared about his company getting bigger.
That used to be enough. If the market can steer billionaire behavior toward good, we should let it. I can accept that someone who is inherently bad can do good.
But then, he started all this alt right nonsense. He either wholely believes in it, making him trash, or he doesn’t, and he’s doing it anyway because he thinks it’s best for his company, which IMHO is somehow way worse, or at least an indicator that things in general are way worse.
I dont remember a time where I both knew of him and thought he was a sane or rational person.
I wonder if I could make money selling body kits to make your Tesla look like a different car… 🤔
“Hey… Does that Prius look a bit off?”
Cybertruck with a Prius shell drives by
Cybertruck with a cardboard box over it, full Snake.
“s’just a box”Still better looking than the original
The new Prius actually looks pretty good too.
warthog shell for the cybertruck.
Debadging Teslas is definitely a thing. Back when they were rare, nobody could clock the model without the logo.
It could be this generation’s Lamborghini Fiero mod.
I bought this before I found out Elon was crazy. Man has always been insane, we just weren’t listening yet.
Yep. Elons always been a massive piece of shit.
The idiots who’ve spent the past decade slobbing all up and down his knob have just willfully turned a blind eye to it cause they subjugated themselves to his derranged cult of personality, that was built all around the idea of his “saviour of humanity” bullshit with regards to his stupid rockets and electric cars.
Along those lines, the sticker shop from the story has since come out with one that says “I bought this before we knew Elon was crazy.”
I’m just glad Tesla costs more than I can afford. Makes it very easy for the vast majority of us poor plebes to continue to not own one.
I so wanted a Chevy Bolt though.
Yeah. My lack of income saves me from a lot of scams I’m too poor for 😂
I always knew he was crazy, but I never thought he was “kill democracy” crazy. It’s a spectrum.
He was always crazy though. You just weren’t paying attention then. No one remembers him going wild and calling the Thai rescue divers pedophiles to their face and all that?
The rescue divers were the first real public turning point. He has always been crazy, but he tried really, really, really hard to project a cool-uncle, anti-establishment persona online before that.
I think he eventually just realized he was rich enough to stop caring and so he stopped pretending.
Teslas have been sold since 2005
And Elon’s still been crazy.
Elon was crazy in 2005. They just ignored it.
Let’s be real - all the car companies are owned by terrible people. If it’s not Elon, it’s some other soulless capitalist who pushed subsidies and lower efficiency standards for mega trucks that speed up global warming just as we’re supposed to be slowing it down.
This is often my thought process when I have to interact with a big company. If I never did any business that would benefit a bad person, I’d basically have to live in a hut in the woods.
However, there are degrees. For years I was sure a model 3 performance would be the perfect next car for me, but now like many people I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stomach owning a Tesla. The Musk connection has blown way past being embarrassing, and now buying one of those damn cars feels like supporting or at least accepting some horrible parts of humanity.
It’s not even a matter of hurting Musk’s bottom line, even though that would be nice. It’s about self respect, trying to put positivity into people’s lives instead of negativity, and being able to look my kid in the eye when he’s an adult and remembers the fucked up years we’re about to endure. I want absolutely zero to do with normalizing fascism and bigotry, even when it comes to something so mundane as the logo on my car.
This ^^
All the CEOs are assholes. The American car companies should’ve collapsed, but instead took a bailout and wasted it. The American consumer benefited basically nothing from the bailout.
Yeah, not all people who do bad things are equal. I can’t think of many worse people in this world than Elon, and his husband Donald Trump.
Exactly, why even try? Just give up and say fuck the world.
He was always a shitbag.
He just had good PR, and most people never listened to the people countering it.
Now, he’s fired the PR… and he’s still a shit bag with his crazy on.
I’ll always remember how surprised most of us were when he turned out to be a shitbag while those kids in Thailand were stuck in a cave. I had no opinion on him until then.
I had tingly sensors going off but I naively assumed that fiasco would have been a death knell for him. This timeline sucks
Some people never heard. I see a lot of people accusing people of not listening, but for the first couple years I heard anything about Musk I didn’t hear any negatives. I wasn’t looking him up, I’d just see a joke or meme, and since I didn’t care much I probably didn’t even go into comments. I think the first real negative news I heard was the sub pedo incident.
Maybe the Model E Model 3 S3X thing, but at worst I considered that an immature joke and didn’t think much further about it, nor heard anyway say anything seriously negative about it.
“i bought this before elons insanity was public knowledge” ftfy
No Android Auto+CarPlay is enough for me to never buy one lol. I’m never paying a subscription on a car lmao.
I mean… the subscription is just for internet service and it’s really cheap. But yeah, I get it. It’s quite dumb that they don’t just support the standard because “they’re different”
I remember a Telsa sale rep telling me “Telsa’s software was better.” In the parking lot I proceeded to show them how much better voice control on in my CarPlay vehicle was with media, messaging, etc.
There are many things that Telsa’s experience is absolutely better at, but when it comes to voice control and integration with a phone’s OS, their software still feels dated.
It’s also not required unless you want realtime traffic or data for audio streaming.
You’re can still do most things without the small monthly fee
Yeah, but to be fair, it’d be quite a hassle without it solely because they don’t support car play/android auto
For music? You could use Bluetooth, or attach an SSD full of music. Or simply hotspot to your phone and use the built in music apps.
Personally I think $10 per month for unlimited data (audio and video streaming) is a steal.
Personally? I totally agree with you. But for those that really want to stick with CarPlay/Android Auto, I get it.
Not defending Tesla, but standalone Android Auto/CarPlay units are a thing and work in every car. They even make devices designed for Teslas that connect to the existing screen. Or you can stick with a standalone that matches the interior of the car.
Never understood why people complain about sound systems in their cars, when it’s one of the easiest components to replace (other than your tires or an air filter, of course). All you need is a screwdriver, a wiring harness, and maybe a mounting kit (depending on the car). I have yet to run into a vehicle that couldn’t have its stereo upgraded or replaced, even modern ones that are integrated into the vehicle. (Look up a device called “Maestro”.)
Those standalone units take what feels like a full minute to boot up though when you turn on the car. I looked into the Tesla ones, and they have tiny 9-10” screens that are meant to be mounted behind the steering wheel -as a touch screen-. At that point you’re better off using an iPad or a Galaxy tab.
Well to be fair, integrated Android Auto units take ages to boot up as well. Plus you still have to pick something to play, which also takes time.
And to be even more fair, these units are just Android or Linux computers, so of course they’re not going to be much different than putting a tablet in a car. You upgrade/augment your stereo because you don’t want to deal with the hassle of having a tablet in your car. Heat is a major issue because tablets have batteries. No such issue with a standalone.
If you want music immediately, there’s still the trusty old FM dial. HD Radio stations are rare, but if you have some in your city they tend to be commercial-free and play better music. Or you can always just pop in a MP3 CD if your car can still play them, and have 100+ songs to play at any moment without any effort.
Kudos to the Tesla owners who realize Musk is still an apartheid supporting turd. My colleague has a Tesla and his wife told him to dump the car.
Problem is, most Telsa owners still have cars that have many good years left in them, and buying a different new or pre owned EV will be a hit to the pocket book. Especially after selling a rapidly depreciating Tesla.
I get why people are saying “fuck it, I’ll put a sticker on it.” Selling and buying a new car isn’t a thing many people want to do at the drop of a hat. I
No, but you can trade in a 3 or 4-year-old car in exchange for a 7 or 8-year-old car for about the same price, depending on what you’re looking for.
deleted by creator
He still makes money off of charging, but you’re right in that it’s miniscule in comparison
Other manufacturers can use Tesla chargers now, and many times those are the best options on long road trips. This doesn’t really change anything. I can also choose to charge my Tesla at non-Tesla chargers and accomplish the same goal.
I didn’t say it would be sticking it to Elon.
If I’m looking for another EV with decent range, then options are pretty slim.
Letting social media bully you into making stupid financial decisions is not the play.
Elon may be an idiot but he isn’t the only person at Tesla. It’s not like he’s gone to the factory and hand built every vehicle. They have their flaws, but the cars themselves are still totally fine.
The only reason people even care is because some narcissistic billionaire can’t stop yapping on social media.
They have their flaws, but the cars themselves are still totally fine.
Reliability statistics and some of the widest engineering tolerances in the industry disagree with you - they are really, objectively not good cars… but they’re comfy, so people don’t care.
Can you point to objective data that shows they’re worse than most other car brands?
I’ve heard the same but it’s usually in the comments of some sensationalized news content after a tragic accident occurs, as if other vehicles don’t also have bad things happen in a collision.
They have their flaws, but the cars themselves are still totally fine.
Deadliest vehicle on the road: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/tesla-highest-rate-deadly-accidents-study-1235176092/
Though models from Hyundai, Chevrolet, Mitsubishi, Porsche, and Honda occupied the top five spots on the list, the Tesla Model Y, a mid-size SUV, came in sixth, with a fatal accident rate 3.7 times higher than the average car, and 4.8 times higher than the average SUV. The Model S rate is double that of the average car.
Per the article, they are certainly one of the most fatal in the event of an accident but not the deadliest. Sixth place is definitely not a good ranking but all of the brands above them are highly reputable and long established.
For comparison purposes, the five cars above it had a fatal accident rate at 4.6x or higher more likely than the average.
A 7-8 year old car that people have been doing god knows what in for all those years and is it even maintained properly?
That’s a generic used car problem.
Yea? So why would you consider selling a functioning car for one that’s objectively worse?
It wasn’t a suggestion. That’s the option.
If you buy a Tesla, you deserve all the ridicule you get
I live in an area where it seems like 50% of the cars are Teslas. Half my neighbors have them. Only stickers I’ve ever seen on a Tesla are “Student Driver”
We might be neighbors
I’m in Loudoun county, Virginia
Hello from across the Potomac! You’re spot on with your observations.
They will once people start putting swastikas them
Most of the Tesla drivers are Indian here so that wouldn’t make much sense lol
Here is my favorite.
Elon owns and profits off Tesla, but otherwise, he’s not very special. He’s rich, and he can win games of marketing chess, and intellectual property theft. I can never help but point out at al opportunities that he’s not much of an inventor, but no wonder he’s buddy buddy with Trump, they both are great at claiming credit for things they had little to do with. Its also fascinating, every venture Elon is in, is actually pro-leftist pro-environmentalist pro-deepstate, yet he’s hated by leftists for ‘being mean’, and loved by Trumpsters despite his true intentions being to help the government take freedoms away. That dynamic, is worthy of study in my opinion.