egg cartons coming in 3x4? relatively rare in these parts.
egg cartons coming in 3x4? relatively rare in these parts.
maybe the point is exactly that the first panel is ambiguous. you’d think it’s the press asking the question, then it’s revealed to be the combover king instead.
did vaping make it easier to taper off?
Maybe reporters airing question and husky giving the big d permission to speak? difficult for me to tell what the cartoonist was going for.
is this cartoon supposed to be representing that yellow hair man is saying “mr president, i have a question”?
“best we can do is several genocides”
you can predict, but you can’t be right all the time. the more constrained the inputs are and the more you observe the behavior, the better you can get at the predicting. and this thing just has to predict the extremely near future.
he also has a patreon
so if you try and sous vide to get the yolks just so, then the whites are usually undercooked? seems like alternative would be using a lot of water to act as enough of a heat sink to get repeatable simmering temp but that wastes a lot of energy
on the acidic side
may the goblins be as incompetent as they are ghoulish
used to be. doesnt work like it used to now.
seems implausible.
is that just the text
the whole seeds do taste good but its a bit like chewing up some bits of wood
someone made me pickled strawberries one time. amazing condiment
otoh a lot of the most useful and enduring software ever made has been made by volunteers in their spare time
biosauce and biotoppings. and, oh god, biocheese.
in the third panel the shirt has picked up a knife?
i dont remember much sanewashing in the media, maybe i consume biased media but pretty much everything i saw said tarrifs were likely to cause recession.