While I agree those that vote are getting older. The reason young people don’t vote has nothing to do with not wanting to vote, it’s the GOP constantly change the rules and places of voting.
While I agree those that vote are getting older. The reason young people don’t vote has nothing to do with not wanting to vote, it’s the GOP constantly change the rules and places of voting.
I hate these head lines. It is too early to know if this has an actual impact of subs. Since some might still have a free trial and might cancel after or after a few months of paying.
I mean YouTubers are boxing each other so why not politicians.
I miss building up and tearing down film.
I hate these organization say we are for “Parent Rights” no they are for censorship. If you are a parent and down want your kids to read or see certain things then you are responsible for doing that, not making everyone do that for you.
So the 2nd amendment is off limits but the 14th is fair game. Interesting
This argument could be made for any console exclusive. I’m not saying I support the acquisition.
I’m with you people say find a private tracker with open sign up and I have yet to find one.
Remember a few years ago when the whole Texas electrical grid crashed and a bunch of old people died?
If they are got into a situation where they are stuck and didn’t have any think happen to life support or flooding, how long could they survive down there?
Do most cities in America have parking lots. I feel like every city I go to the parking is hardest thing to find. Walmarts and malls being the exception.
Exactly^ the phrase has no meaning anymore.
Yessh…is this a lack of compassion or empathy. I have a feeling it’s the latter that cause the former. They can’t see past their own lives and that lead them to think anyone that needs help isn’t doing enough. Besides all that giving food for free to children shouldn’t even be a issue. Hell is shouldn’t matter rich or poor kids at school should just be feed. This program in the grand scheme wouldn’t even cost that much (as other countries have proven)
Pure cruelty. Our taxes ment to be used to help people and this means more then paving roads (which in the US isn’t done). I’m sick of this idea the government needs to cut spending but then they just cut social programs that is the whole point of having a government…
GOP when is the government suppose to step in and regulate businesses? Your message seems to be all over the place.