How about an oversized Dr Seuss book?
clever & funny bio goes here
How about an oversized Dr Seuss book?
With an awning to protect against the prehistoric sun
Sounds like a line from a deleted scene from In Bruges
A lifting cape seems like a safety hazard waiting to happen
Ah, the classic masterpiece from Pornelius Hubert.
In voyager, the extra images worked once I tapped on them. Otherwise I only saw about the left 40% of the image.
Lol, that’s an old HEB name tag. Stores used to have names, titles, & photos of store leadership by the customer service desk.
I loved the picture of him and Tilda Swinton doing drag impersonations of each other
Doesn’t really bother me. I’m not the sort that likes to post, but I will comment periodically. All this does is give me more stuff to look at.
Are those supposed to be the bouncy things rhat young children have?
Is this the joke?
Inaccurate weather predictions being perceived as lies
It was funnier & less cringe-inducing than season 1 was.
Change the colors a bit and this could be some bondage restraints
Reminds me of being out in the desert and seeing a sandstorm rolling in
That’s nuts!
Add up all the snow I’ve ever personally seen in my 40+ years and it still wouldn’t be as much snow as this.
A big reason why I’m glad that I’m no longer in IT is that I don’t have to be in an on-call rotation any longer.
If the job offers to pay for your cell phone, it’s because they will expect you to answer at 2am.
Relevant music video
deleted by creator
There was a related movie called The Disaster Artist about The Room, made by one of the Francos. I’ve seen that, but not The Room. Still strikes me as pretty fucking weird though.