That’s dragon damage
That’s dragon damage
It’s literally the first letter in “backwards” lol
I’ve never seen Loops but i like it purely because it reminds me of
He was a piece of nshit in his 30’s too.
The idea that nature is precious and must be preserved is human-centric.
Trees caused an extinction event when they appeared by absorbing all the carbon dioxyde and radically changing the atmosphere. But we feel bad when we’re the ones doing it
Comments saying “you don’t” are weak shit. The answer is you rotate each letter one by one.
It will look like shit because they will be ever so slightly misaligned, but such is the fate of the brave
that looks shockingly good holy shit
d ’ _ ’ b <------- he’s wearing headphones
Yyeah but if their definition of “fresh” includes the navy seals copypasta, then by god don’t let them sell milk
Looks like they threw some loose change at Jill Stein
I don’t think it’s funny, more like it feels good to see an atom of justice done for once. One murder changes nothing, it has no value as far as changing the system, but the symbolic value is through the roof.
Here’s the thing: even if we change the healthcare system tomorrow, they get to keep their billions. We can change the system, but there will be no justice because one of the principles of our legal system is that justice isn’t retroactive. So seeing one of the guilty parties killed is an example of retribution that is very rare and exhilarating.
Just not funny per se
I’ve googled it for you: she’s going to be green for 28 to 45 days.
They produce psilocybin because Satan told them to
Yeah, i ruled out Wine as an option pretty early on and i don’t remember why. May have been compatibility issues?
I have cheap audio interfaces (C600, Alesis IO2, M-Audio FastTrack Pro and such), and apparently they’re supposed to be natively compatible with Linux. Huge if true, on Windows i had to install drivers for each of them, including a community-built one. I don’t know what this means for pro interfaces but it’s encouraging
That’s a lot of places in the world, you could pick random cities and have a decent chance of this being true.
Venice is another level because of the mass tourism and vacation rentals
Corsica, except Corsica is a French department
Where are you on that process? I do 2D visuals and i’m at the point where all software that i use is available on Linux, but i have yet to actually try it in practice
I switched to Linux easily because this laptop does nothing but internet and office work. If you have any kind of complex workflow, changing anything is hard, let alone changing everything from the OS upwards. Same if you need to run obscure proprietary software.
Still appreciate someone linking to the OP. That should be a rule in this channel
Ah. I see i’m not a man of culture