Are there more examples of this happening? One event isn’t a very good sample size… “IT DIDN’T WORK GUYS, SEE?!”, I mean, sure… But there are more circumstances and variables and conditions to an election lol.
Are there more examples of this happening? One event isn’t a very good sample size… “IT DIDN’T WORK GUYS, SEE?!”, I mean, sure… But there are more circumstances and variables and conditions to an election lol.
😆 top notch willful misinterpretation 👌✨
It’s okay 😁 we’re both very open about, and aware of, this issue. So I just let her know it’s happening and we giggle about it (sometimes). 😄
Then please explain how this works. This image isn’t doing it for me.
The image only works if the right always wins though?
Me when I talk to my wife…
That would be pretty sweet if accurate. Just satisfy the bare necessities and be free the rest of the time. Exploring other topics, for fun and benefit.
4 months later, sorry for the late reply. Thank you for this explanation! 😁🙏
One could argue that you can be poor/abused anywhere. But there’s a clear difference in quality of life here.
Very true. You’ve captured my exact sentiment here.
And also, the very fact that you can be poor even in rich countries is an even greater failure of the system. Nobody in a “rich” country should be impoverished. There are plenty of resources there to take care of everyone as long as we all work together. But the system rewards only those who work for themselves.
Cool, just down vote instead of having a conversation…
But only for the rich. If you don’t have money, you can’t escape leave your country. Barely even travel in your own country. Society has broken our nomadic heritage. We did it to ourselves eons ago when we started cultivation of the land, but with the modern borders and stuff, it’s just been made so much harder.
I think about this a few times a year and I become sad each time. We only get this one planet in the whole ass universe. And we can barely see all of it, unless we’re lucky and/or rich (at least moreso than most of humankind).
It’s profoundly ridiculous.
Millennial here, Seinfeld is the bomb.
Lossless compression exists for decades.
I know 😄 Just making a joke.
I don’t feel like you need to apologize for excuse saying a heartfelt thank you with a text comment, just because it doesn’t add to the discussion. We need more of this kindness in the world. ❤️
Well aren’t we the audiophile…
Very good points. I haven’t seen many other posts regarding this, so I just saw it in this isolated context.
But still, even with the flaws in our European systems, most of them are far superior to the US. The insane amounts you get charged for a simple accident can be hilarious. It’s like, breaking a leg costs the same as buying a car. It shouldn’t be that way. :-( Especially when the accident is caused by someone else.
But, you’re not wrong. 👍 No system is perfect, definitely. Our healthcare system in my country is silently on the verge of collapse because the wages are so low. So employees are quitting left and right, because the stress and workload is not worth the pay. Yet there is a requirement to offer healthcare, so they hire fill-in workers that cost waaaaaay more, so the cost still goes up either way for the employers, yet the net number of workers is also fewer than before. So they are paying more money for less workers, instead of just paying proper salaries for the ones that are actually employed.
It’s ridiculous. They’d rather spend 2x money than pay x money, for the principle. Just a big 🖕 to the workforce.
Those beautiful graphics. That dithering though!
I installed my first Linux distro in my country’s equivalent of high school, probably 17 years old or so. It was just Ubuntu. 🤷♂️ Not very difficult. Just pop in the CD/USB and follow the installation wizard.
That simply explains what’s visible in the image, not whatsoever why.
Like, why is this the general assumption?
If this were true, there wouldn’t ever have been a democratic president, right? Except maybe once in the beginning?