You could always just use a github repo as a wiki. It would render markdown pages in your browser, and it comes with built in version control!
You could always just use a github repo as a wiki. It would render markdown pages in your browser, and it comes with built in version control!
There’s no more barrier to spinning up one’s own email server than there has ever been. One simply needs, at a minimum, a server in the internet, a DNS domain, and know how.
A server on the internet has never been easier, thanks to cloud providers. In fact, many cloud providers will give you a working email server, so that you don’t need to do all the sysadmin things to get software like Bind or Postfix up and running. These hosting providers make it pretty simple run your own personal email server and domain.
The big providers are successful because most folks don’t want to stand up their own email server, they just want to use email. But anyone can go it, if they have the time and interest.
I am going to lodge a formal complain about GDPR violations as I do have proof of this in my emails.
This is the way.
That is fucking gorgeous. I love it.