Option 1 - seasoned government professional who can navigate politics with diplomacy
Option 2 - an old man who bankrupted
a4 _ casinos_ and has ties to russia, has zero political experience. edit - thanks everyone - traitor, felon, rapist, attempted a coup to overthrow the government, ex president consistently considered one of the worst terms america has seen.How is this difficult, america
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Option 1 - No real controversies.
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I don’t like Harris much, but I don’t like prosecutors.
Still hope she wins, because I like fascists even less
I’ve commented on this elsewhere - as far as prosecutors go, she’s been pretty progressive (drug cases aside, which I take issue with), focusing on jail time for violent offenders, and trying to avoid jail time for the non violent offenses. Her record, as well as the back on track program from her time as AG, speak to that well.
So even in terms of prosecutors (definitely not my favorite group as well, for a variety of reasons), her approach was very progressive, and generically speaking pretty good in my book.
drug cases aside
I can’t just set those aside
And neither can I which is why I specifically took issue with them as mentioned.
For many of his supporters the controversies are a feature.
Well, the old man had 4 years of being president where he broke everything he possibly could.
and republicans want him to do it again
This appears as an entirely empty comment for me
Ah, picture not showing up.
It was the meme of Goofy saying I’ll fuckin’ do it again.
I did notice the ios client I used before (memmy?), if I uploaded an image without text, it would appear blank. But if I edit, the link/upload is still there
Yes, that’s probably what it was. I’m using memmy on ios.
How is this difficult, america
Mostly because of racists.
Those casinos were in Atlantic City. He also lost tens of millions of dollars on one of the most famous and prestigious hotels in New York City. He lost money trying to sell mail-order steaks and whiskey in the United States. He also lost money trying to operate a university during the biggest education bubble in history. He also stole classified documents, ‘lost’ them, and got huge numbers of foreign assets killed. He openly advocates for ending democracy. And as the cherry on top of that shit sandwich, brags about sexually battering women.
You didn’t even mention “serial rapist.”
Or “Epstein’s BFF,” or “multiple-times credibly accused child rapist.”
Option 2 is also a traitor, and convicted felon.
That option 2 is even being considered and still has a good shot at winning the presidency would seem to be proof that American democracy is deeply broken. Maybe it’s the education system, the two-party duopoly, the selling out of one party to Russia, foreign interference in general, corruption and the role of private money in elections/politics, a partisan Supreme Court, and/or just the election process itself. If a dipshit like that has a shot while blatantly campaigning on fascism, something’s not right.
Option 2 bankrupted four casinos.
You forgot “rapist”
He does have political experience actually. Still has a huge ass following base where he can spout the most insane shit and they’ll still follow him. That’s why he’s so dangerous.
Hate seems strong, but I hope I’m wrong
Article: People are abandoning Trump for Harris.
Democrats: Oh my god, what is WRONG with you people?!
Is that what you interpreted? The fact trump still has a single supporter is insane.
This won’t matter if no one votes.
Also, Newsweek has been going far out of their way to paint a picture of Trump doing poorly even when he’s not. Beware this source.
But he was doing poorly. Newsweek has fallen off in quality, but so have lots of other papers too. The friggin New York Times was running articles about how trump was amazing and so much more vibrant than Biden. They had a big op-ed focusing on just Biden stepping down from the campaign, completely ignoring trump’s failings.
Now it’s obvious that they just wanted to cover a Democratic primary horse race. Trump is clearly just as slow as Biden, compared to Kamala.
Hasn’t NYT become the Transphobia Express?
I’m out of the loop; is the NYT transphobic now?
A lot of News Groups were purchased by Far Right Billionaires because of fears that if they didn’t then they’d “Keep making up Fake News about Trump!111” So yeah, the NYT is VERY transphobic.
I’ve seen the same numbers in many places. Always wonder why discounting a source is the first and only comment from someone.
I’m not familiar with Newsweek’s history, but I discount this source because every link is back to their website, and they don’t present the data they’re citing. I had to go look it up to confirm. PDF link is here: https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2024-07/Topline ABC_Ipsos Poll July 27 2024.pdf
Also presenting a view that Trump is destined to lose gets us in the situation in 2016 where people didn’t go vote because it was a given that Hillary would win. From a polling perspective, the information is really only useful to the campaign, to know where to focus and what is doing well. For everyone else, it’s a curiosity to see how the rest of the country is feeling. The only real way to ensure Trump doesn’t get back into the White House is to vote.
Because Newsweek in particular deserves it? Post better sources.
Far as I can see by your history, you’ve never posted in this sub.
Nope! I don’t have to post to recognize horrible sources in the same way that I don’t have to write a song to know one hurts my ears to listen to.
Well, if I’m looking for advice on gaming I’ll be sure to reach out to you.
Would be happy to help!
Good for Kamala.
Good for America.
Good for the World sadly what happen in america have often worldwide repercussion
As someone not in America, dear Americans, for the love of tits, go vote for Kamala. Sadly our lives could also depend on it.
What if the main reason we’re voting for Kamala is our love of tits?
I’ll allow it, tits are wonderful. Tits for president!
Honestly, does it matter why you vote for Kamala, as long as you do?
Maybe it’s the same for the MAGAts, they love Trump tits.
Come for the greasy orange moobs, stay for the flatulence-scented adult diaper.
Liquid fart gas?
Don’t be ridiculous. Lions Fear Gorgonzola. An ancient proverb.
Ahh my bad, I figured it was related to LNG. That’s what I get for assuming.
We wouldn’t expect any different from you, P00ptart. It is your nature to ASSume.
Looking For Girl?
Got my fingers crossed for her
Go girl!
She’s got my vote when Biden didn’t. Everyone who said “nO oNE ElSe iS poLlInG bETter tHaN BiDEN” was ignoring the fact that Biden had the left’s entire media hype machine backing him up and still barely eeked out a few points above Trump.
We were not ignoring that. Everyone I’ve seen admitting they were wrong, including myself, said they felt no one else would be able to unite the party quickly enough to avoid a chaotic shit show. I still have no idea how Harris pulled it off, but it’s awesome to behold.
If this energy and momentum can last until the election I’m certain she can win.
I still have no idea how Harris pulled it off
Turns out, people respond well when their concerns are addressed.
I’ve not really liked Harris since before 2020, but I’ll gladly vote for her if it means keeping Trump away from the Whitehouse for at least another 4 years. I didn’t think she had a chance in hell, but the trend line so far seems good for her.
I hope the wave continues! If Biden had bailed earlier i think it would have been harder to sustain. 3 months is still a long time. Would be great if we could hold the election in 2 weeks.
She’s still a little too unknown among people who aren’t terminally-online. She needs time to break through to people that don’t consume daily news and aren’t on the internet a whole lot, which is a whole lot of people.
She also needs to make sure her message gets out to them before Trump’s framing of her gets to them, since early impressions matter. That last part is our job more than hers though, and fortunately we got a head start of a couple days or so when the Trump campaign was scrambled for a short period there. They’re since fixed it and are back on point though. In this case the horse race has become quite literal.
“We’re not going back.” It’s a good line. I thought Biden was alright, all things considered, but he could’ve never landed that message.
The whole thing feels like actual high risk/high reward 5d chess.
I still have no idea how Harris pulled it off, but it’s awesome to behold.
She’s not 80+ (with bonus points being under 70) and she not Trump.
Those are the only things most people were wanting out of a candidate at this point. That’s how Biden got elected last time and he only barely managed the under-80 requirement.
I still have no idea how Harris pulled it off, but it’s awesome to behold.
“Neither” was the top-polling candidate for 2024 when it was between Trump or Biden.. Of Dems and left-leaning voters, Biden’s age factored heavily into that sentiment. Call it superficial but that was his “thing” since he took office. Harris solves both of those hang-ups.
Other than that, Harris’s name has been plastered on every accomplishment of the current administration in a way that I’ve not really seen before. It was always the Biden-Harris Administration on the headlines, she had plenty of name recognition already
Oh I agree it had to be Harris. But she wasn’t polling well and no one talking about replacing Biden talked about her. I just underestimated everyone.
The only thing keeping people from voting against Trump was the other option was a corpse. People checked out because it was a joke. Apatgetic voters dont answer polls, and a lot of people weren’t going to vote that now will. The idea that the party listened to its constituents goes a long way. Even if Kamala isn’t ideal (she isn’t) she is a step in the right direction… NOT a corpse. She is hope that maybe the country isn’t doomed and she staves off the apathy most of us were feeling. Especially when the argument was “if you don’t go vote for the corpse, the incoming facism is your fault!”. Now, they did the bare minimum, so do I, I need to vote.
Biden had my vote but so does she.
Welcome aboard!
I’m sorry that other people are pissed at you. It’s absurd. I’m genuinely happy to see another person joining the team, so thank you for that!
I don’t agree with you not voting for Biden beforehand, but that’s water under the bridge and irrelevant as far as I’m concerned. It’s time to unify under what we have in common instead. I’m glad you’re here.
Democrats netted a vote. Look at who that pisses off.
Moderate Dems really want to take all the responsibility off of nominees and put it all on voters.
Because of that, they couldn’t acknowledge a campaign would help, but they also have to justify the billions from corporate donors.
There’s no logic to them, the far right wings of both parties just say anything in the moment that gets them what they want.
This comment is a great example of the left going out of its way to piss off the left.This comment is a great example of a troll being a troll
Edit: the point here was obviously that there was no reason to deride people with the same goal as yourself, especially considering Biden was the only safe choice until the moment he stepped down. Unless you called it that Harris could be this successful, you weren’t correct about anything enough to gloat and shame but even if you did call it, acting like this now just makes you pointlessly rude and divisive
I know she’s not your first choice, but Netanyahu can’t run.
Ah look another liar. Linkerbaan’s turn to sleep eh?
Lay off them. I’ve interacted with them enough to know they’re genuine and not an absurdist. They were always intending to vote for Biden, they just had their criticisms – and as we see now, those criticisms proved to be quite good for us as a whole.
Hey you disagree with me. That means you support genocide! /s
I find that logic just as absurd as you do, and I think people who branded Biden voters as genocide lovers were utter idiots. Do I like how things are going in Gaza? No. But did I still support Biden? Completely. That was the only candidate who would prevent things from getting worse and save some lives vs if Trump is elected instead.
I hope this establishes that I’m in agreement with you on a lot of our mindset. What I’m saying here is that Ensign Crab is not one of those people who says this either. You’re projecting Linker onto them. Ensign is critical of Democrats, but they were never as insane as Linker or “oh you must love children dying since you support Biden”. They’ve been very up front that they were going to vote Dem.
There’s no need to fight with them. We’re on the same team. You’re both decent people. Let’s celebrate another voter coming to Harris, and move on.
I wish I could agree with you but right here is what prompted the argument: “I know she’s not your first choice, but Netanyahu can’t run.”
To me that’s just a little more obtuse way of saying the same.
Remember to vote blue no matter who. I’m glad Biden stepped down and we have a candidate who can win now.
I very much doubt you are.
This is exactly what all of us should be thinking. Regardless of what you thought of Biden’s earlier prospects, it’s clear that Harris is far stronger. We needed to vote Democrat to stop fascism. Having a stronger candidate now is fantastic.
You noted something interesting and concerning earlier – Harris has at least one vote now that she didn’t before, but the reception to that has been icy. People should be happy about this, not pissed. I don’t agree with them not voting for Biden, but I’m thrilled they want to vote for Harris and join the coalition.
A lot of these people here remind me of performative leftists, but this time, as moderates. They should be happy that Democrats have another vote. Instead they’re annoyed and bringing up grievances. It’s performative, because they’d clearly rather get one up over Biden detractors than actually get more votes and see their supposed ideals achieved.
Anyway. I also wanted to say that I appreciate you. You’ve always been very clear that while you had misgivings with Biden, you were still going to vote for him because the stakes are high. I’m sorry you’re getting dragged by idiots, and I hope you don’t let it bother you. It’s clear to me that you want Democrats to win so fascism doesn’t take over, and so that we can actually pass some left wing policies. Thank you for that.
People who judge based on a single comment (and are radically wrong AF) aren’t helpful to anyone who cares an ounce
Sorry. I shouldn’t have judged you based on a single comment.
(We both know I wasn’t, and was instead judging you based on your long history of vicious hostility towards anyone who wasn’t 100% on board with Biden’s genocide support, but sure. I’ll entertain your bad faith bullshit yet again. Let’s pretend I was judging you based on a single comment).
I should have asked instead of assuming. How happy are you that the octogenarian genocide supporter dropped out of the race in favor of a candidate who can actually win?
anyone who wasn’t 100% on board with Biden’s genocide support
Ah yes, a completely reasonable and good-faith attempt at discourse and in no way a bullshit attempt at smearing anyone who doesn’t use the exact same rhetoric as yourself
Lemme guess what the ridiculous implication was here… that I adore the fuck out of genocide, right? That I bathe in the blood of brown children? Or would you have worded it more hyperbolically?
That I bathe in the blood of brown children?
Ew. Keep your fantasies to yourself.
So you deny you’re making a bizarre false accusation about me liking genocide then? Wait actually you just kinda admitted to that beyond-bullshit attack. Whoops
I do not identify with the American left.
So far she started off by bullying the Republicans and having her campaign be calling them weird. I love it lol, it’s been very effective.
If anyone ever gets tired of using the word weird, I’ve got a couple alternatives:
This is the number to beat: https://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/23/politics/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-presidential-polls/index.html
For those who don’t want to open it, the article showed Clinton having 50% versus Harris’ 43%. And it has to be over 50% because of the severe degree of gerrymandering.
Being pessimistic, this is how you have a clearly predictable election - put a clear villain as the other candidate, put a walking corpse as the “good” candidate, make everyone doubt but slowly-slowly accept that you have to vote for the corpse, and then replace the corpse with the person who some time before had kinda ominous reputation, and everybody is suddenly enthusiastic.
“Better than Trump” is not arguable, but this is still the lesser evil.
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This wasn’t satire? I expected Hell in a Cell, but got QAnon levels of paranoia
Please take your medicine & stop flying the drones https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article230454999.html
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If KH used to be a prostitute it would actually make me more likely to vote for her
Kudos for the entertaining satire