The death toll of other people isn’t relevant to them. What’s important to Elon is that if Elon wanted he could go to either city and have a wonderful time, and therefore no harm, no foul. All that matters to Elon is what Elon thinks and feels, there is no larger world beyond what he directly interacts with.
Elon repeatedly said he’s fine with sacrifices made for the sake of progress. It’s just that he thinks others should be doing sacrifices and he should be the guy doing progress. Very convenient for a narcissistic manbaby.
Just disregard the hundreds of thousands of people who died in those bombings. It’s not as bad as you think. What doesn’t kill you makes you- wait
Radiation may not kill you but it also absolutely doesn’t make you stronger
Are you saying a good dose of radiation does not give you superpowers? Has Marvel lied to us for all those decades? 😭
Idk, anime came from somewhere, and I don’t see evidence of it existing before the bomb…
Origins of hentai tentacle monsters confirmed? 🦑
I’m afraid not.
it was the Opium wasn’t it?
Years of eating irradiated spiders out of the microwave wasted
No, no, you need to irradiate them with a 5G tower!
Marvel? People were hawking radium water back in the 1910s
Fat man was the “big” one and it was 22 kiloton yield…
A modern ICBM from American subs is 455 kilotons, Russian icbms (if they work) are around 800 kilotons.
There are zero scenarios where just a single ICBM is launched, but even if America just launched one and no one else retaliated…
That’s well over 10x what was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.
These idiots think a M80 is the same as a stick of dynamite…
The death toll of other people isn’t relevant to them. What’s important to Elon is that if Elon wanted he could go to either city and have a wonderful time, and therefore no harm, no foul. All that matters to Elon is what Elon thinks and feels, there is no larger world beyond what he directly interacts with.
Elon repeatedly said he’s fine with sacrifices made for the sake of progress. It’s just that he thinks others should be doing sacrifices and he should be the guy doing progress. Very convenient for a narcissistic manbaby.
What a fuckwad
They don’t care about people, they care about property