From latest GameLinked episode (Linus Tech Tips gaming news channel)
I see this as a small victory for the Fediverse.
There’s definitely an LTT writer that’s active here.
During the last TalkLinked Jacob said he was on Lemmy :)
EDIT: timestamped link: passionately “Download Lemmy!”
I’m feeling warm and fuzzy for some reason.
I am 35, you’re classified
The Lemmy energy is strong here.
The only thing Lemmy doesn’t have that Reddit does have is the immense history of quality content. This will only get better in time.
It’s also missing IMO some mass to discuss more specific topics. For example, there’s enough people to discuss “anime” or “games”, but too few to discuss a specific anime series, or a specific game.
That’ll get better in time too, I believe.
Yeah, true. I still jump to Reddit to view tv show discussions, just won’t log in or comment anymore.
Year of the lemmy desktop
It’s happening!
“Stay cool, stay cool!”
“Smile and wave boys, just smile and wave.”
Did you know you can embed images on Lemmy using the markdown

With LemmyUI that also applies to videos and audio. With images, you can put them inside a link text field to get a button.
Soon BuzzFeed will be stealing content from Lemmy
You won’t believe our top five Star Trek and Linux memes of the week!
Blocked all meme subs… this place has enough content without filler now imho
Blocked all meme subs
I guess that works… I just never subscribed to them in the first place. Either way, I’m super happy to see more activity on the platform.
You have done well, Lemmy. Keep going, and become greater than the corporate-overlord media.
I’m convinced someone on LTT’s team is on Lemmy. Two weeks ago one of their quickbits had a title “u/spez endorses lemmy”.
You left your SI in the link
What is an si (I presume session id)?
And where do look, if there is a standard for these thingies?
I understand that these are query strings, but who decides which keys are there and what they mean? And if they depend completely on the server’s implementation, then how do you know what the “si” key means, except from experience?
Thanks in advance.
It’s an individual tracking code that tells Google who generated the youtube link you click on. That way, they can see who you’re talking with on other websites.
I went, “Ooh! That’s some ingenuity!” and <facepalm>, both at the same time.
Wasting the ingenuity for this stuff.
We did it Lemmy
@[email protected] dude you’re famous now
Also: this is the way.
put me in the screenshot!
and me!
I wish reddit a very merry “Going the way of Myspace and Ebaumsworld”
Reddit is probably too big to completely disappear but if they keep isolating themselves from the rest of the internet they could easily lose mainstream appeal and end up more like a SomethingAwful
Well, they are definitely something that is awful.
You know how people will repost screenshots of tweets or whatever? The other day I saw a screenshot of a Mastodon post on Instagram.
Removed by mod
Link to segment. And, no, not only didn’t Liechtenstein not cross the threshold they’re not even in the EU they can’t vote.
Oooh, Netherlands and Denmark both over 90% now. We’re movin’!
I’m worried about the link rot problem when the specific instance used as source goes down.
It’s like we need a DOI system for lemmy posts.
When I use a website as a source, at the time that I access it for information, I will also save a snapshot of it in the Wayback Machine. Ofc theres no guarantee that the Internet Archive will be able to survive, but the likelihood of that is probably far greater than some random website. So, if the link dies, one can still see it in the Wayback Machine. This also has the added benefit of locking in time what the source looked like when it was accessed (assuming one timestamps when they access the source when they cite it).
That’s unfortunately just how the internet is/works. It’s all links and links to each other. Check out and - Maybe we can build a decentralized archive thing based on IPFS or something
Mama we made it