All must be sacrificed for glorious labour, blessed be its name, holiest of holies.
Level measuring guy from water world moment.
Then there’s the guy from Hiroshima still going to work in Nagasaki after surviving the first bomb.
And surviving that bomb too!
Then he went to his mother in law’s house
Is this… a Cloverfield meme?
Instant promotion to… Essential Worker™
Work: “You still coming in?”
Me: “No, I got COVID.”
“Do you pay in Cigarettes?”
Chris Hanson would like a word sir, that is a child.
I really do wonder if the first thought to cross my mind after witnessing the beginning of an irl avengers-level threat will be “wellp at least I don’t have to go into work”.
Isn’t this the basis of zomb100? Where his work life was so shit that when a literal zombie apocalypse happened he finally started living the life he wanted. And it wasn’t that he dreamt of survival and shooting dead people, just a bucket list of cool things to do.
Anyway, I can relate.
Some people have all the luck
Don’t we all kind of just want a Cloverfield monster to appear inexplicably from nowhere and destroy Manhattan leading the air force to nuke it
Guy must have a nice boss.
Yes but have you considered how this Coverfield attack will affect the team?
Reminds me of the start of Zom 100.