“…who I gladly enabled as much as I could for as long as possible…”
For as long as it benefited myself.
I feel like politicians are taking advantage of how short the average U.S. person’s attention span is. (Mine included)
“LOOK OVER HERE” politician says, as they do a bad thing in the opposite direction
“Hey, wait a minute…” Some people
“HEY LOOK AT THAT GUY” politician to one of the people noticing
And the heads just keep turning, the pitchforks keep coming out, and soon it’s a jumbled mess of misinformation, distraction, confusion and in-fighting.
How do we even begin to fix it?
You can start by paying attention to who the bad guys are and remembering their names, or at least their party affiliation. The same ones turn up over and under most of the time, so it’s not as big a task as you would think.
As for fixing the attention span of people who just can’t be bothered, I have no idea.
Its not even about short attention span. Its a trick as old as time and right out of the fascist playbook.
Gish gallop
Nobody can keep up with all the bs
Bent the knee and polished the knob
Oh no, I’m throwing up in my mouth!
Hmm sure but even if it’s not forgiven, maybe looking forward seeing he has changed his mind at least
It doesn’t really matter when he willfully overlooked so much to even make this assertion, and then to follow through with it as well. He KNEW what he was when he made this statement, same as the new statements.
You know, one thing I’ll give Liz Cheney and Kinzinger, they weren’t afraid to speak the truth while still in office. Spineless fucks like Paul Ryan here might’ve actually been able to do something if they had.
What’s the point of getting elected if you aren’t there to do the right thing at all costs, even losing your seat.
‘And yet, I’m gonna vote for him anyway’
-Also Paul Ryan (probably)
Fuck Paul Ryan. Traitor shitcunt, like nearly all other republicans. Fuck off and die.
Well, duh. It’s not like you didn’t contribute to putting him in power you ass.
Too little, too late, you spineless sycophant.
Paul Ryan is mostly upset that Trump beat him to it.
From a leaked 2016 recording while this righteous asshole was Speaker:
McCarthy: “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump. Swear to God.”
Ryan: “This is an off-the-record. No leaks, alright?”
McCarthy: “Alright.”
Ryan: “This is how we know we’re a real family here.”
Uhhh this is exactly why his followers love him.
We truly are a docile populace
Is that semen on your black eye?
This is a compliment coming from Ryan.
I absolutely despise Paul Ryan, but he is nothing if not a libertarian in Republican clothing. The man hates Trump almost as much I hate him.
One of those things is not like the others.
Populism, in the American context, was a proto-leftist movement with a “fuck the bankers” vibe. I believe it had the most traction during the depression with dust bowl era farmers, but someone can correct me if I’m wrong on that. Regardless, it was a popular bottom up political movement, which is why it’s been vilifed by the ruling class and media ever since.
Yes, I know there are people who label themselves as right wing reactionary populists, but letting them freely co-opt that political movement is akin to letting the National Socialists co-opt a socialist movement.