Trump in 2016:
She shouldn’t be allowed to run.
If she were to win this election, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis.
In that situation we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial.
It would grind the government to a halt.
It will all be overturned. I understand it is not the popular opinion. HAHA Trumps a felon and so on, but no way do we want a justice system to be what we are seeing right now. Alvin Bragg ran and was elected on a platform of going after Trump, and he did it. Doesn’t matter whether you’re a Democrat or republican, this won’t stand long.
But Bragg wasn’t 12 jurors at the trial. Prosecutors are also not the judge. An appeals court might overturn it but it has nothing to do with whether the DA ran on a platform to hold someone accountable to the justice system or not.
Have we forgotten the “Lock her up” chants?
What is there to appeal on? He can’t appeal the guilty conviction. He can only appeal if the trial was not following procedure, which the judge made absolutely certain that he had nothing to appeal.
And the jury made sure they fully understood the instructions by having them repeated.
Good luck on your appeal 🤣
12 jurors impartially reviewed the evidence, trump’s lawyers were allowed to DISPUTE that evidence, and in the end, those 12 jurors talked about it then came back and said with one voice, GUILTY AF.
But thanks for playing.
Wow, someone ran on a platform of prosecuting a criminal for their crimes? Holy shit. What has America become.