I don’t nearly know enough to understand this but is anyone willing to help me get the thing on the top :>
I don’t nearly know enough to understand this but is anyone willing to help me get the thing on the top :>
According to medical checkups, I am fine, but I know for a fact I am not a safe driver. I have bad attention span, sight, reaction, field of view, and tiredness issues. I am ideologically repelled by cars. And it looks feels dull to me to drive and also to study for an exam.
recognize, remember, confront people. anything people.
Tons of people use bluecord on mobile but I say to stay away from that cause sketchy. I would opt for aliucord but if someone knows better clients that would be nice cause aliucord makes me die inside a little. On desktop I use Vencord, I heard some bad stuff about it but I also heard that it’s a troll, and I’m skeptical it would be sketchy. Only problem is it tends to stop working and needs repair very often.
out of the loop, only using patched clients, what did I miss?
does anyone recommend any Firefox alternatives? I genuinely hate Firefox’s UI and keybinds and the scrolling tabs
why’s the mother wearing hyper tight clothes
the cocaine fixes that
foxes are so cute
why does this feel so rusty lake
just do like me who keeps 200 tabs open at any time, or like my friend who one ups it and takes the tabs number to 4 digits
even better: P rank tenebre rosso sangue intensifies
what’s line wire supposed to be?
this looks like a hymn to 4chan
can we accept people are going to react to their shitty lives differently, and just because it doesn’t make you go on a murderous spree, it doesn’t mean that it is the case for everybody. the real solution isn’t to make these dumb arguments against shooters etc. which might be as correct as you want them to but it’s to make lives fucking dignifying in a situation where one may not be thinking rationally. if one doesn’t have the strength to not make a certain choice, calling them pathetic doesn’t fix shit. every single one of us is delusional.
this was quite cleaver
those are pretty high standards.
I keep using it exactly be aus sits barebones
how’s this thing having so many upvotes when it clearly demonizes neurodivergent people from a generalized statement from a specific case?