“can be”
Just the fact that they can is enough for me to avoid them. Ain’t showing up with a thermometer to see if they decide to fly today 😔
Dude, roaches can fly…
Next episode we talk about our eroding farmlands and needless urbanization.
Good thing I have all the voices in my head to keep me company
Get in front of the train so you don’t have to make a decision
I can’t be bothered to walk down to the basement, so practically my server is also only accessible by SSH
“Diane, pls tell me I’m a good person” vibes
Those look like worms from Worms Armageddon
"strawberry".split('').filter(c => c === 'r').length
diglett diiig diglett diiig
I think you might be traumatized
It was going to be a maze!
you can’t tell me to help people and try to make the world a better place!
you’re not my real dad
Choose your own deity kinda situation