Sorry if this is a repost
Saddam Hussein, according to Human Rights Watch, is responsible for the deaths of 250000 people.
As a dead dictator, he is not the best, nor even a good choice, for rendering graphical applications on a computer screen.But all things considered, he’s still better than X11.
You had me in the first half, not gonna lie 🫡😂💀
I fucking love Saddam Hussein’s Hiding Place.
You really never know where it will pop up next.
I’ve given up on truly being private. Between all of the data leaks, the known back doors, and now this… it’s mostly a lost cause. In fact, I got a letter the other day from a company I’ve never heard of, let alone done business with, stating that my PII was lost to a data breach.
All in the name of convenience and “national” security I assume. Such a bullshit excuse.
(Yeah I’m talking to you NSA, and CIA, and FBI, and you, Pervert)
Jokes on them, they just taught me about Tails OS.
And hello to my
FBINSA agent!
I thought he was in a hole not a table
There you go create another fable
You wanted to.
I don’t think you trust
I guess it’s actually pretty dry in there, more like under the table
you might have to explain the joke a bit. I get that jokes don’t get better with explaining, but… I don’t get it
Hahaha gottem
You can’t fool me. I know Shia LaBeouf when I see hi—aaack everything is normal here use Wayland
there are x11 applications, opengl applications, and framebuffer applications. x11 applications interact with the x server. opengl applications go to the x server using glx (indirect rendering), and they also go to saddam hussein, using opengl (direct rendering). framebuffer applications go directly to the drm in the linux kernel. the x server contains a 2d driver, which goes to the drm in the linux kernel, and the x server also goes to saddam hussein through aiglx. saddam hussein has a red silhouette of itself, and goes to the drm in the linux kernel. the linux kernel contains drm, which goes to the gpu. there is “cpu (registers & l1 & l2 & l3 & l4) & main memory”, and “gpu (registers & l1 & l2) & graphic memory”.
copyright violation, you will be hearing from my lawyers soon
(saddam hussein is actually opengl dri driver in disguise)